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6th Annual Tiffany Thomas Memorial Fishing Tournament

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Presentation on theme: "6th Annual Tiffany Thomas Memorial Fishing Tournament"— Presentation transcript:

1 6th Annual Tiffany Thomas Memorial Fishing Tournament
Registration Form NAME: _______________________________________ STREET: _____________________________________ CITY: _________________ ZIP: ___________________ SEX: ________ AGE: _______ T-SHIRT SIZE: ______ PHONE: ______________________________________ SIGNATURE: _________________________________ _________________________________________ ________________________________________ In signing this application, I hereby waive and release all other contestants, the hosts, sponsors and tournament officials from all claims of injury and/or damage incurred in connection with this tournament. I have become familiar with and agree to abide by the tournament rules as they are posted on the Tiffany Thomas Memorial Foundation website. Furthermore, I understand that all winners are subject to polygraph testing. I further understand that refusal to take the polygraph or failure of the polygraph will result in forfeiture of awarded cash and prizes. I swear that the above facts are true to the best of my knowledge, and enclose herewith my application fee. ***Please provide information if available so that we may send you newsletters with updates regarding the Foundation and tournament. Entry Fee: $ per boat Please make checks payable to: Tiffany Thomas Memorial Foundation 51005 Hwy. 445 Loranger, LA 70446 Entry Deadline: April 18, 2015, 6:30 a.m.

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