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Welcome to 3rd grade!.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to 3rd grade!."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to 3rd grade!

2 1. Follow directions quickly & quietly
School Expectations 1. Follow directions quickly & quietly

3 2. Raise your hand for permission to speak.
School Expectations 2. Raise your hand for permission to speak.

4 3. Raise your hand for permission to leave your seat.
School Expectations 3. Raise your hand for permission to leave your seat.

5 School Expectations 4. Make smart choices.

6 5. Keep your dear teacher PROUD!
School Expectations 5. Keep your dear teacher PROUD!

7 What happens if I can’t follow expectations at school?
“That’s ONE”: Warning “That’s TWO”: 2nd Warning

8 What happens if I don’t change my behavior after warnings?
“That’s Three”: Time Out with a Behavior Reflection/Think Sheet. “That’s Four”: Behavior Report sent home to parents + possible detention. “That’s Five”: Referral and visit to Principal Fjell.

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