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Rural Development in Lithuania from 2004-2006 to 2007-2013 Jurgita Stakėnienė Rural Development Department Ministry of Agriculture of The Republic of Lithuania.

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Presentation on theme: "Rural Development in Lithuania from 2004-2006 to 2007-2013 Jurgita Stakėnienė Rural Development Department Ministry of Agriculture of The Republic of Lithuania."— Presentation transcript:

1 Rural Development in Lithuania from 2004-2006 to 2007-2013 Jurgita Stakėnienė Rural Development Department Ministry of Agriculture of The Republic of Lithuania MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE OF THE REPUBLIC OF LITHUANIA


3 information about obtained applications under rural development measures in 2004–2005 SPD: information about obtained applications under rural development measures in 2004–2005 MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE OF THE REPUBLIC OF LITHUANIA Number of applications

4 information about requested support under rural development measures in 2004–2005 SPD: information about requested support under rural development measures in 2004–2005 MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE OF THE REPUBLIC OF LITHUANIA Amount of support requested (million EUR)

5 information about requested support under rural development measures in 2004–2005 SPD: information about requested support under rural development measures in 2004–2005 MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE OF THE REPUBLIC OF LITHUANIA

6 information about obtained applications in 2004 – 2005 RDP: information about obtained applications in 2004 – 2005 MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE OF THE REPUBLIC OF LITHUANIA Separate applies to get supplementary direct payments are not gathered

7 information about requested support in 2004 – 2005 RDP: information about requested support in 2004 – 2005 Reclaim of support, million EUR MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE OF THE REPUBLIC OF LITHUANIA Resource payed to increase supplementary direct payments doesnt counted

8 information about requested support in 2004–2005 RDP: information about requested support in 2004–2005 MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE OF THE REPUBLIC OF LITHUANIA

9 Comparison of SPD and RDP (2004-2006) measures with the measures of axis (2007-2013) MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE OF THE REPUBLIC OF LITHUANIA AXIS I SPD (2004-2006) 1. Investments in agricultural holdings 2. Support for young farmers 3. Improving processing and marketing of agricultural products 4. Promoting the adaptation and development of rural areas (agricultural water management, land reparceling, advisory services, diversification, rural tourism) 5. Forestry (improving of economic value, restoration, improving of harvesting, afforestation of non-agricultural land) 6. Training RDP (2004-2006) 1. Meeting standards 2. Early retirement 3. Support for semi-subsistence farms RDP (2007-2013) 1. Modernisation of agricultural holdings 2. Setting up of young farmers 3. Processing and marketing of agricultural products, development of new products 4. Improvement of rural infrastructure (agricultural water management, land reparceling) 5. Development of forestry sector (improvement of economic value, processing, cooperation) 6. Training 7. Use of advisory services 8. Early retirement 9. Semi-subsistence farming 10. Setting up of producer groups 11. Participation in food quality schemes

10 Comparison of SPD and RDP (2004-2006) measures with the measures of axis (2007-2013) MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE OF THE REPUBLIC OF LITHUANIA AXIS II RDP (2004-2006) 1. Agri-environment 2. Afforestation of agricultural land 3. Less-favoured areas and areas with environmental restrictions RDP (2007-2013) 1. Agri-environment 2. Support for afforestation (agricultural, non- agricultural, abandoned farmland) 3. Support for restoring damaged forestry, increasing ecological and recreational value of forests 4. Support in less-favoured areas 5. Support in NATURA 2000 territories

11 Comparison of SPD and RDP (2004-2006) measures with the measures of axis (2007-2013) MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE OF THE REPUBLIC OF LITHUANIA AXIS III SPD (2004-2006) 1. Promoting the adaptation and development of rural areas (agricultural water management, land reparceling, advisory services, diversification, rural tourism) RDP (2007-2013) 1. Services for agriculture 2. Creation and development of micro-enterprises 3. Encouragement of tourism activities 4. Development of crafts 5. Village renewal (Leader aproach)

12 Comparison of SPD and RDP (2004-2006) measures with the measures of axis (2007-2013) MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE OF THE REPUBLIC OF LITHUANIA AXIS IV SPD (2004-2006) 1. Leader+ type measure (acquisition of skills, pilot integrated strategies) RDP (2007-2013) Under discussion – only Village renewal from axis III or and measures from others axis

13 Distribution of financial allocations (2007-2013) Prognoses MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE OF THE REPUBLIC OF LITHUANIA AxisPercentage I axis44.5 II axis42 III axis9 IV axis2.5 Technical assistance2

14 Lessons to be learned: administrative system of SPD 2004-2006 MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE OF THE REPUBLIC OF LITHUANIA SPD (2004-2006) Monitoring Committee Managing Authority Ministry of Finance Intermediate body Ministry of Agriculture Implementing agency National Paying Agency under the Ministry of Agriculture 5 Project Selection Committees Representatives of Line Ministries and Social Partners Possible applicants (Projects) Advisers Lithuanian Agricultural Advisory Service Registers, certification Agriculture Information and Rural Business Center

15 RDP (2004-2006) Lessons to be learned: administrative system of RDP 2004-2006 MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE OF THE REPUBLIC OF LITHUANIA Monitoring Committee Responsible Authority Ministry of Agriculture Implementing agency National Paying Agency under the Ministry of Agriculture Possible applicants (Projects) Advisers Lithuanian Agricultural Advisory Service Registers, certification Agriculture Information and Rural Business Center

16 RDP (2007-2013) Lessons to be learned: more simple administrative system in 2007-2013 MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE OF THE REPUBLIC OF LITHUANIA Monitoring Committee Responsible Authority Ministry of Agriculture Implementing agency National Paying Agency under the Ministry of Agriculture Possible applicants (Projects) Advisers Lithuanian Agricultural Advisory Service Registers, certification Agriculture Information and Rural Business Center Project Selection Committee Representatives from the Ministry of Agriculture

17 Lessons to be learned MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE OF THE REPUBLIC OF LITHUANIA Problem2004-2006Proposals for 2007-2013 Decreasing level of aid Aid maximum 375 – 1000 EUR for the project once a year (depends on measure) Aid maximum during overall 2007-2013 programming period 200 – 300 EUR for one beneficiary, even applying under several measures. Aid is decreased by amount of support received from SAPARD and SPD Distribution of allocations Distribution of financial allocations between measures and activities Distribution of financial allocations not only between measures and activities but and between sectors

18 Lessons to be learned MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE OF THE REPUBLIC OF LITHUANIA Problem2004-2006Proposals for 2007-2013 Requirements to competence and occupational skills of applicants This requirement was applied only to particular measures Apply to all measures Legal and natural persons must have suitable occupational skills or competence in activity, for which support is requested New established subjects Support is givenTo let apply for those, which are acting and getting income from activity, for which support is requested (except micro-enterprises and young farmers)

19 Lessons to be learned Problem2004-2006Proposals for 2007-2013 Setting up maximum tariffs Was set only to one measure Afforestation of agricultural land To set maximum tariffs to particular specific goods, works, services (including consultations for business plan preparation) MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE OF THE REPUBLIC OF LITHUANIA

20 How we do it? MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE OF THE REPUBLIC OF LITHUANIA Coordination group Working group Axis I Working group Axis II Working group Axis III Working group Axis IV

21 Thank you for your attention...

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