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Evidence of the California Undercurrent in CTD Data

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1 Evidence of the California Undercurrent in CTD Data
LT Mike Cornelius OC3570 19 March 2003

2 Original Plan: Analyze CTD data to see if intrusive mixing caused a sound speed increase closer to shore. Not so good. Revised Plan: Analyze CTD data to see if there are indications of the warmer, more saline water brought poleward by California Undercurrent.





7 California Undercurrent
Studied by Ramp 1997, Sakura 1996 Northward flow of warmer, more saline water at a predominant depth of m Could I find evidence of California Undercurrent in CTD data from cruise??

8 Davidson Current vs. California Undercurrent


10 s004

11 C/Z Profile for s004

12 T-S Profile for s004

13 s010

14 C/Z Profile for s010

15 T-S Profile for s010

16 s018

17 C/Z Profile for s018

18 T-S Profile for s018

19 s022

20 C/Z Profile for s022

21 T-S Profile for s022

22 s028

23 C/Z Profile for s028

24 T-S Profile for s028

25 s037

26 C/Z Profile for s037

27 T-S Profile for s037

28 Conclusions: Evidence of the California Undercurrent was definitely present in the CTD data collected on our cruise. An interesting thesis topic would be to analyze data further south of San Luis Obispo to see the differences in the profiles.

29 “Why put off until tomorrow what you can do the day after tomorrow”
Final Conclusion: Listen to Professor Guest, he is a wise man when it comes to not procrastinating this project! “Why put off until tomorrow what you can do the day after tomorrow”

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