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The Attributes of God Justice and Righteousness

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1 The Attributes of God Justice and Righteousness
Theology Proper The Attributes of God Justice and Righteousness

2 Like spoiled children, we are so quick to call attention to our own exaggerated sense of fairness. The nation of Israel did exactly the same thing. The prophet Ezekiel openly discussed human ignorance with reference to the justice of God. (Eze. 18) Because we do not understand the fact that God exercises the attributes of justice and righteousness without emotion and without contradiction to the attributes of grace and mercy, our response is the tendency to accuse Him of being unfair.

3 There are two Hebrew words used for justice and righteousness
There are two Hebrew words used for justice and righteousness. The first word has a root meaning of straight in a physical sense and right in a moral sense. The second word means rightness that would satisfy the demands of law. The Greek word in the New Testament has the physical sense of being equal and in the moral sense of conforming to that which is right. Another term carries the idea of dividing equally. - Charles Hodge, Systematic Theology, Volume 1, (Grand Rapids: Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 1993), 416.

4 The Bible never equivocates on the subject of the justice and righteousness of God. (Gen. 18:25; Psa. 7:9; 19:9; Rev. 15:3,4) God is perfect in the administration of His justice and righteousness. (Zeph. 3:5; Hos. 14:9; Psa. 9:7-8;Deu. 32:4) God is not just because He does justly; he does justly because He is just. His justice in action is the extension of His essence.

5 God’s Justice God cannot but be just. God’s will is the supreme rule of justice; it is the standard of equity. God does justice voluntarily. Justice is the perfection of the divine nature. God never did nor can do the least wrong to his creatures. God’s justice is such that it is not fit for any man or angel to demand a reason of his actions.

6 A just and holy God has established a divine order which reflects His character. He sovereignly governs according to His own law. He judges man according to that law without partiality. (Acts 10: 34 – 35; 1 Pet. 1:17) Short of an acute awareness of the justice of God it is impossible to understand how that God can hate sin with such intense hatred and still justify the ungodly through the merits of Jesus Christ. In fact it is the justice of God that necessitated the sufferings of Christ in the behalf of sinners. Sin is an eternal offense to the holiness of God. (Hab. 1:15)

7 Since all men are sinners how can anyone hope to escape eternal judgment? The answer lies in the justice of God. Christ was made to be sin for us! (2 Cor. 5:21) As Christ completely paid the penalty of sin, He delivered all who will receive Him as their Savior. In satisfying His own justice God is therefore able to justify all who believe. (Rom. 3:18 – 26)

8 The Results Forgiveness and restoration for the believer – 1 John 1:9
God looks upon believers with favor God will judge evil in the world God will reward the faithfulness of His people – Psa. 7:8-9; Heb. 6;9-10

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