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The Giver Written by Lois Lowry.

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Presentation on theme: "The Giver Written by Lois Lowry."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Giver Written by Lois Lowry

2 Born in Hawaii in 1937. Also wrote Number the Stars.
Lois Lowry Born in Hawaii in 1937. Also wrote Number the Stars.

3 The Giver Genre – Science Fiction – A novel that describes the impact of science and technology, or both, upon society or people.

4 Utopia – A perfect place  What would a utopia be like?
The Giver Utopia – A perfect place  What would a utopia be like?

5 4 choices End of book projects

6 Pamphlet project REQUIREMENTS:
You are required to create a pamphlet advertising the community Jonas lives in. The pamphlet should include a lot of important information about the community to help convince people to visit. REQUIREMENTS: Cover page Info about the setting (1-2 paragraphs) Info on the rules and rituals (2-3 paragraphs) Info on the jobs available (1-2 paragraphs) Colored pictures (hand drawn or from Internet)

7 Create your Own Community
Jonas lives in a very different society than the one we live in. What do you consider to be the perfect community or utopia? Create your own perfect community. REQUIREMENTS: Title page (Name of your community) Flag OR map Flag- full color, represents something important about community Map- layout of your community Government info (What is it like? Who is in charge? Laws? Punishments?) Transportation info (how do people get around? Roads? Train tracks?) Employment info (Do people work? What kind of jobs? How is this decided?) Choose ONE of the following: educational info, currency info, entertainment info, housing info

8 Final Scene with Summary
On large sheet of white paper, create and illustrate the final scene of The Giver. How do you picture it? Write a one page summary of the last chapter or the last scene. REQUIREMENTS: Drawing includes at least 5 specific details Remember to add in setting, characters, season, surrounding, correct colors, etc. Summary is at least 2 paragraphs Summary includes who (characters) , what, when (setting), where (setting), why and how

9 Favorite Scene with Book Review
On large sheet of white paper, create and illustrate your favorite scene from The Giver. How do you picture it? Write a one page book review of The Giver to tell interested readers about it. REQUIREMENTS: Drawing includes at least 5 specific details Remember to add in setting, characters, season, surrounding, correct colors, etc. Book review is at least 2 paragraphs Book review includes the following: Why you liked or disliked the book? Some of your favorite parts Who your favorite character is and why Would you recommend this book to readers?

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