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Love That Dog Week 3, Day 1.

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1 Love That Dog Week 3, Day 1

2 Vocabulary Words Honored-(verb) to show respect for

3 Vocabulary Words Heaving-(verb) to cause to rise and fall with or as with a swelling motion

4 Vocabulary Words Splattered-(verb) to spatter, especially to fall so as to cause splashes

5 Vocabulary Words Miracle-(noun) an extraordinary event that cannot be explained; a wonder or marvel

6 Vocabulary Words Flattered-(verb) To have been complimented excessively and often insincerely, especially in order to gain favor.

7 to tackle unfamiliar words
Context Clues Focus Skill Using to tackle unfamiliar words

8 Focus Skill: Context Clues
What are context clues? Context clues are hints from other words, pictures, and story titles in your reading that help you find a missing word or read unfamiliar words. When to use context clues: When you don’t know what a word means, or when it doesn’t make sense to you.

9 Focus Skill: Context Clues
How do I use context clues? There are many strategies for using context clues. Here are some: Strategy 1: Find nearby key words for clues about the meaning of a word. Strategy 2: Use story titles or reading topics to predict words you’ll read. Strategy 3: Look at pictures as you read for clues about unfamiliar words.

10 Focus Skill: Context Clues
Strategy 1: Find nearby key words for clues about the meaning of a word. Example: Mother put the cookies in the __________ to bake for twenty-five minutes. ANSWER: oven. Cookies are placed in an oven to bake.

11 Focus Skill: Context Clues
Strategy 2: Use story titles or reading topics to predict words you’ll read. Example: Title: Spaceship in My Backyard The strange creatures were _____ from a far away planet. Answer: aliens. The title “Spaceship in My Backyard” sounds like a science fiction story. You may predict that the story will be about aliens, creatures, antennae, and so on.

12 Focus Skill: Context Clues
Strategy 3: Look at pictures as you read for clues about unfamiliar words. Example: Jane looks at the ________ to read a message. Answer: monitor. The screen you look at to read your messages is called a monitor.

13 Reading the Story Read pages Arf!!

14 Comprehension Questions
What does Jack finally decide to ask Miss Stretchberry to help him do? Why do you think he did this? Using the context clues on pg. 67, what is the best meaning of the word “miracle?” What onomatopoeia words can be found of May 8th’s entry? What effect does it have on the stanza?

15 Comprehension Questions
What is the main idea of Jack’s poem, “My Sky?” What are 3 details that support this main idea? How do you think Jack felt after writing “My Sky?” What is the significance of the blue car? On May 15th, why doesn’t Jack know if Miss Stretchberry should put his poem on the board?

16 Love That Dog Week 3, Day 2

17 Vocabulary Review What are some synonyms for “honored?”
Name a situation in which a person might get splattered. Describe how you might flatter your parents to get out of trouble. Do you expect to witness a miracle? Why or why not? What might cause a person’s chest to heave?

18 to tackle unfamiliar words
Context Clues Focus Skill Using to tackle unfamiliar words

19 Focus Skill: Context Clues
Strategy 1: Find nearby key words for clues about the meaning of an unfamiliar word. Strategy 2: Use story titles or reading topics to predict words you’ll read. Strategy 3: Look at pictures as you read for clues about unfamiliar words.

20 Focus Skill: Context Clues
The Circus

21 Reading the story… Read pages 75-86…

22 Comprehension Questions
What is the effect of Jack writing a letter to Mr. Walter Dean Myers? (use pg. 75 to help) What words let you know that Jack is excited about Mr. Myers coming to his school? What can you tell about the school and it’s appearance based on Jack’s May 28th poem? What can’t Jack do the night before Mr. Myers comes? The best word to describe Jack’s attitude is?

23 Comprehension Questions
On June 1st, how does Jack describe his experience meeting Mr. Walter Dean Myers? June 6th’s entry was written in what form? What are some adjectives (describing words) that Jack used to describe Mr. Myers’ voice? What is one thing Mr. Myers did while visiting the school?

24 Love That Dog Week 3, Day 3

25 Vocabulary Review Fill in the blank with the correct vocabulary word. Because the bicycler was out of breath, her chest was ______________. I never expected my aunt to recover from her stroke. It is a ________________! Imitation is the sincerest form of ___________. After being given the medal, the businessman said, “It is an _______ to receive this award.” While walking home from school in the rain, I got ______________ with mud from a passing car.

26 to tackle unfamiliar words
Context Clues Focus Skill Using to tackle unfamiliar words

27 Can you name these animals based on context clues?
Every morning on the farm, the ________ crows, “Cock a doodle doo.” The ________ likes to play in the mud, eat, and snort, “Oink, oink.” The farmer shaves the __________. The wool is used to make warm clothes. In November, the farmer picks a big _________ for Thanksgiving dinner.

28 The King's Castle The kings sits on his __________ Soon, he will meet with his subjects. The ________ brings food to the king. The king wears a _________ on his head. The kings knows that his subjects are waiting for him to give a speech. The king stands on the _________, waving to the crowd below. The king’s daughter, the ________, wears a long dress and stands beside him.

29 Let’s review the story…
What is the setting of “Love That Dog?” (time & place) Who are the main characters? What is the plot of the story? What are the main events? Who is the author? Who is the speaker? How has Jack’s attitude changed from the beginning of the story to the end? What caused this change?

30 Read the poems at the end of the book!
Reading the story… Read the poems at the end of the book!

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