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Lesson 1/2 w/b 10th Sept 2012.

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1 Lesson 1/2 w/b 10th Sept 2012

2 Authority is legitimate
Power is about the Ability to control And influence Authority is legitimate power

3 Weber 3 types of authority Lukes 3 faces of power Elite theory
Marx Lukes 3 faces of power Elite theory Postmodernists Functionalists

4 Weber Charismatic Rational-Legal Traditional

5 Gramsci (neo-marxist)
Zero-sum model Gramsci (neo-marxist) Ideology Miliband Bourgeoisie/ Proletariat

6 (who ever wins the argument has the power)
The issue method (who ever wins the argument has the power) Setting the agenda Manipulating views Lukes 3 faces (Pluralist)

7 Classical Elite Theory
Oligarchy occurs everywhere Equality is impossible, humans are naturally unequal Key names: Mosca and Pareto Classical Elite Theory Radical Elite theorists are different because they favour democracy, e.g. C Wright Mills

8 Discourses dominate how we live our lives and what is “acceptable”
Postmodernism Foucault- power is inescapable, link between power, knowledge and language Discourses dominate how we live our lives and what is “acceptable” Disciplinary power uses normality and deviance to control us. People do as they are told because they want to be normal Bio-power is the control of the human body and how it is viewed by the population. In 19th Century Psychiatry, medicine and social work professionals dominated discourse surrounding the body.

9 Functionalism Power is a positive resource that involves consensus and legitimacy. Parsons- Power results from the sharing of resources to achieve shared goals. Power benefits everybody because it ensures social solidarity and social order. It is right that some people have more power than others so that society can be organised. People in society vote for who they want to hold most power e.g. Prime Minister People who have the most power cannot take advantage of it because they would simply not be voted for again

10 Gender and Power 1.How many female members of parliament are there?
Prime Ministers has the UK had? 3. What is the male average wage compared to the female average wage in the UK?

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