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English 99.2 The Rhetorical Precis.

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1 English 99.2 The Rhetorical Precis

2 What is a Rhetorical Precis?
A rhetorical precis is like a summary of an article, but very short and more detailed. It contains 4 sentences, each one with a specific purpose.

3 Sentence #1 In the first sentence, you will introduce the author and the article title. In addition, you will give, in your own words, the author’s thesis statement. Take a moment to find Syfers’ thesis statement in “Why I Want a Wife”. Now, craft rhetorical precis sentence number one. It might look something like this: In her article “Why I Want a Wife,” Syfers implies that… (the thesis statement would follow)

4 Sentence #2 In the second sentence of the rhetorical precis, you will explain how the author goes about supporting that thesis. You are describing what the author does not repeating what the author says. How does the author prove his or her thesis to be true? Take a moment now to craft rhetorical precis sentence number two for “Why I Want a Wife”. How does Syfers attempt to convince her readers?

5 Sentence #3 In sentence #3, you explain the significance of the information the author provides using an “in order to” phrase. Why does the author provide the information he or she does? What does the author hope to accomplish by explaining the issue in such a way? Take a moment now to write rhetorical precis sentence #3 for “Why I Want a Wife”.

6 Sentence #4 In sentence #4, you explain the relationship between the author and his or her intended audience. Who is the author speaking to? How does the author communicate with the audience? What is the author’s tone? Take a moment to write rhetorical precis sentence #4 for “Why I Want a Wife” now.

7 Rhetorical Precis Put your four sentences together in paragraph form. Now you have a rhetorical precis on the article “Why I Want a Wife”.

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