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Year 9 Information and Guidance Evening

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1 Year 9 Information and Guidance Evening

2 Every Lesson Matters 95% Attendance
Half a day of lessons missed every two weeks Two weeks of lessons missed each year This is the equivalent of almost a whole years’ lesson for one GCSE subject

3 Helping Oak Wood students reach their potential
Expert teaching and wide range of resources Regular assessment & intervention Careers advice/ planning for the future Pastoral care & PSHE – eSafety this week Study Skills sessions during PSHE Fridays Mentoring

4 How you can support your child
Communication Attendance Establishing clear routines/ expectations Active involvement in goal setting Encouragement and emotional support Active interest in students’ school work Checking home learning and revision is taking place regularly Attend parents evenings and additional support evenings

5 Consider using a reward structure to motivate them
Agree the balance between work and social life and stick to the agreement Consider using a reward structure to motivate them Support them in their revision Sticking to the revision plan Provide favourite snacks Be flexible, you may be giving up time too Be sensitive to the pressure

6 I hate everything he says / does or
I will never be able to understand this subject / get on with this teacher. I hate everything he says / does or Everything about Science is boring / too difficult to understand Try to be Specific rather than global What specifically do you find difficult don’t like about the subject Problems are Temporary How long have you been feeling like this about the subject Problems have solutions What would you like to happen or what would make it more bearable)

7 “I can’t cope – there’s too much to do”
Accept how things are and look for a solution Ask for help! “I have left it too late to revise” Put in place a damage limitation plan

8 Sounds familiar… Difficulty getting to sleep or waking up Tiredness
Poor appetite Loss of interest in things they used to enjoy Headaches and other unexplained aches and pains Irritability and frequent angry episodes

9 To reduce stress… Time out away from work
Exercise promotes hormones that actively counter stress Ensure they eat well What stressed people most need is somebody to listen and empathise with feelings they express

10 10 Good study habits to embed now
Encourage balance - keep doing the things they love! Start early and create a study timetable Ensure optimum sleep, effective diet and hydration Develop a system of note taking and review Use folders and highlighters Prioritise Non-required work Use mind mapping to summarise information RAG the specification - focus on areas of development Apply knowledge using past papers Avoid procrastination by removing electronic devices (during study)


12 What is the outline of the course?
AQA GCSE ENGLISH What is the outline of the course? PAPER 1: Explorations in creative reading and writing What's assessed Section A: Reading • one literature fiction text Section B: Writing • descriptive or narrative writing Assessed written exam: 1 hour 45 minutes 80 marks 50% of GCSE PAPER 2: Writers’ viewpoints and perspectives What’s assessed Section A: Reading • one non-fiction text and one literary non-fiction text Section B: Writing • writing to present a viewpoint Assessed written exam: 1 hour 45 minutes 80 marks 50% of GCSE

13 What is the outline of the course?
AQA GCSE ENGLISH What is the outline of the course? Non-examination assessment: Spoken Language What's assessed presenting responding to questions and feedback use of standard English Assessed teacher set throughout course marked by teacher separate endorsement (0% weighting of GCSE) Not formally graded. Purely an endorsement.

14 What is the outline of the course?
AQA GCSE ENGLISH LITERATURE What is the outline of the course? Paper 1: Shakespeare and the 19th-century novel What's assessed Shakespeare: “Macbeth” The 19th-century novel: either “Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde”, or “A Christmas Carol” How it's assessed written exam: 1 hour 45 minutes 64 marks 40% of GCSE Paper 2: Modern texts and poetry What's assessed Modern texts: “An Inspector Calls” Poetry: “Power and Conflict” Unseen poetry How it's assessed written exam: 2 hour 15 minutes 96 marks 60% of GCSE

15 What should your child be doing outside of lessons?
AQA GCSE ENGLISH What should your child be doing outside of lessons? Minimum of 5 hours extra revision per week on top of homework. How should they spend this time? Doing the activities and exam question practice in their CGP revision books for Literature. Creative Writing and Non-fiction Writing practice. Practice applying good grammar, ambitious spellings, and varied punctuation. Reading high quality non-fiction texts. Such as: 19th Century (diaries, journals, travel logs), broadsheet newspaper websites, blogs, online publications, autobiography. Making their own exam papers and doing timed questions.

16 What are we doing to support your child?
AQA GCSE ENGLISH What are we doing to support your child? Frequent English Assessments in timed conditions Model answers Timed tasks in lesson Verbal/Written Feedback After school sessions with the teacher Guidance and support Extra practice material Revision Packs

17 Practice is revision! AQA GCSE ENGLISH
In the future your child will receive a revision pack: AQA GCSE English Language and English Literature: Core Student Book. This is a skills workbook – short practice tasks Practice Exam Papers – to complete at home GCSE English Online website – Bitesize Booster Classes – compulsory attendance

18 New Edexcel GCSE Mathematics Head of Faculty Mr H Aslam

19 Expectations Exemplar behaviour for learning Engagement
Home Learning once a week on Hegarty Maths

20 Course specification Edexcel 1MA1 GCSE Mathematics A Linear
100% marks in terminal examination sat in June 2020 The new GCSE Mathematics specification cover broader and deeper mathematical content, delivered through a single extended GCSE which can be taken at higher level or foundation Level. Higher tier will include questions that will stretch the most able. Foundation tier will focus on core mathematical understanding and skills for all students to master. The GCSE Mathematics specification will be examined by three written papers, each of 1½ hours. The first paper will be assessed without the use of a calculator; calculators will be expected for papers 2 and 3.There will be no difference in the content or assessment objectives assessed in each of the papers.

21 The new Mathematics GCSE will
Provide all students with greater coverage of key areas such as ratio, proportion and rates of change. Require to apply knowledge and reasoning to provide clear mathematical arguments. Focus on ensuring that every student masters the fundamental mathematics that is required for further education and future careers.

22 The GCSE Mathematics specification will be examined by three written papers, each of 1½ hours:
Non- calculator Calculator 80 marks 90 min

23 Useful websites - free online resources for independent study:

24 Science No controlled assessment Linear exam Increase maths skills.
10% of marks will test maths skills in GCSE Biology; 20% in GCSE Chemistry; and 30% in GCSE Physics. Additional Science (Trilogy) maths skills will be in the ratio 1:2:3. Focus on application of knowledge questions for higher marks

25 AQA Science Trilogy (Double Science) Exam Structure
All papers 70 marks and last 1hour 15 minutes Each paper is 16.7% of the GCSE Papers are available in foundation or higher however all exams must be sat in the same tier. Exam papers contain multiple choice, structured answer, closed short answers and open response style questions The exam papers have been written so that more of the paper is accessible to students in terms of language used and “ramping” of difficulty. (Simple -> Complex)

26 AQA Science Separate (Triple Science) Exam Structure
All papers 100 marks and last 1hour 45 minutes Each paper is 50% of the separate GCSE Papers are available in foundation or higher however all exams must be sat in the same tier for each GCSE. Exam papers contain multiple choice, structured answer, closed short answers and open response style questions The exam papers have been written so that more of the paper is accessible to students in terms of language used and “ramping” of difficulty. (Simple -> Complex)

27 Assessment Outline Biology Paper 1: Topics 1-4 inc Cell biology, infection and bioenergetics Biology Paper 2: Topics 5-7 inc Homeostasis, inheritance and Ecology Chemistry Paper 1: Topics 8-12 inc Atomic structure, bonding and chemical changes Chemistry Paper 2: Topics inc Rates, organic chemistry and the atmosphere Physics Paper 1: Topics inc Energy, electricity and the particle model Physics Paper 2: Topics inc Forces, waves and magnetism

28 Required Practicals Within Trilogy and Separate sciences there are a number of practicals which AQA have made compulsory. Trilogy - 21 Separate - 28 Students are expected to have a firm grasp of these practicals and be able to recall key ideas of both the methods used and the results obtained. Required practicals have to be written up in full to support this learning. The practical work spans both year 10 and 11 Reasons to assess practical work To build and master practical skills To support and consolidate knowledge and understanding. To develop investigative skills.

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