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PCN Physician Leads Executive

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Presentation on theme: "PCN Physician Leads Executive"— Presentation transcript:

1 PCN Physician Leads Executive
In Camera Agenda PCN Physician Leads Executive

2 Agenda Elections (Grant Sorochan)
Central Zone Edmonton Zone Section of General Practice Survey (Dr. Kathryn Andrusky) TOR Discussion (Dr. Jeffrey Bratvold)

3 Elections Grant Sorochan

4 Terms of Reference Discussion
Dr. Jeff Bratvold, co-chair PCN Physician Leads Executive

5 Overview – Changes to TOR
Introducing changes to the TOR – review & consideration Why change the TOR? Reflect governance structure changes now in place Clarify working relationships Opportunity to clean up & simplify Working Group formed – Dr. Bratvold (Chair), Dr. Fredrykka Rinaldi & Dr. Helen Akosile-Xulu, Christine deMontigny, Grant Sorochan Changes vetted by the PCN Physician Leads Exec The PCN Leads are introducing a number of changes to their TOR for review and consideration this Forum. The review and resulting recommended changes resulted from a request, if you recall, at the last Forum where some Physicians asked for a closer review to ensure the TOR reflect some of the new governance structures we now have in place; Clarify wording some areas that appeared vague or unclear; and Look for opportunities for some clean-up and simplification. To assist with this task, I chaired a small Working Group with the assistance of Dr. Fred Rinaldi, Dr. Helen Akosile-Xulu, Christine deMontigny and Grant Sorochan. Some additional input was sought and provided by a few physicians that had and interest and knowledge in the area. In addition, we had the assistance of some AMA staff subject matter experts and utilized a lawyer where required. The changes I will walk you through then were vetted to the PCN Leads Executive to ensure they were comfortable that what we are proposing today was consistent with the request and appropriate for your consideration. There are a number of areas we are proposing revisions within, some being more substantive than others. I will highlight the areas deemed more substantive and provide you now with the associated logic for each change proposed. Once I am done, I will then ask Fred Rinaldi to chair the propose motion for adoption and have her facilitate any further proposed amendments.

6 Code of Conduct Streamline existing TOR and extract out any words or clauses that are specific to behaviors expected by those serving in the role of a PCN Lead Executive. Create and adopt a Code of Conduct / Covenant Expected behaviors of each PCN Lead Share it with you and it will be a document used in tandem with our existing TOR going forward. Created and adopted within a few weeks. Addition of clause 2.1 that refers to the proposed Code of Conduct and that all decisions made need to abide by that code. One of the first significant changes we are proposing is to streamline the existing TOR and extract out any words or clauses that are specific to behaviors expected by those serving in the role of a PCN Lead Executive. We believe this would be better addressed through the creation and adoption a Code of Conduct / Covenant similar to one many PCN Boards or that the AMA Board currently uses. This document will speak to expected behaviors of each PCN Lead when they attend meetings and address issue such as conflict of interest etc. Once this document has been created we fully expect to share it with you and it will be a document used in tandem with our existing TOR going forward. It is our expectation that a PCN Lead Executive Code of Code will be created and adopted within a few weeks. As a result some of the clauses previously stated with the mandate have now been paired down to refer only to those things that refer to the role or duty of the PCN Leads. We have also suggested the addition of clause 2.1 that refers to the proposed Code of Conduct and that all decisions made need to abide by that code.

7 Throughout TOR PCN has been changed to “PCN Leads and PCN Physician Membership” throughout the TOR Throughout the document you will see us make a recommended change to using the words “PCN Leads and PCN Physician Membership” versus previously using the word “PCN”. We felt it is important that we are more clear with whom we truly represent and speak for and that we respect the role of our Joint Venture Partner in our joint, collective role representing PCNs as a legal entity.

8 Deletions to streamline TOR
Clause 2.9 – redundant & unneeded Covered under TOR for Joint Venture Council Clauses 2.13 & 2.14 – unnecessary & redundant New provincial & zone structure stipulate duties Clause 2.9 is proposed to be deleted as it was felt to be redundant and unneeded as the TOR for the Joint Venture Council stipulates its members, duties and responsibilities and does not need to be outlined within this TOR as well. Clauses 2.13 and 2.14 are also proposed to be deleted as the TOR of the new provincial and zonal structures stipulate some of the duties etc. and deemed now to be unnecessary and redundant. These are good examples of our effort to clean-up and streamline this TOR and speak only to those things necessary and not covered off elsewhere

9 Clause 2.12 Clause 2.12 – modified to address the role of PCN in identifying the need for and appropriate representation for any subcommittee, task group as required to support and assist the PCN Physician Leads Executive Complete rewording to improve clarity and meaning Clause 2.12 was modified to address the role of the PCN in Identifying the need for and appropriate representation for any subcommittee, task group or working group as required to support and assist the work of the PCN Leads Executive. This is commonly required and the working group that reviewed the TOR we are discussing right now is a good example of a working committee sometimes required. A complete rewording to provide greater clarity and meaning to this clause.

10 Sections 1.0 + 2.0 Word-smithing changes to add great clarity
Ensure each sentence reads better The other changes within sections 1.0 and 2.0 represent predominately word-smithing changes to add greater clarity or to ensure each sentence reads better.

11 Review detailed Changes to TOR

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