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Ir, Dar, Estar & CONTRACTIONS!.

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Presentation on theme: "Ir, Dar, Estar & CONTRACTIONS!."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ir, Dar, Estar & CONTRACTIONS!

2 Ir to go

3 Dar to give

4 estar to be (temporary or location)

5 You may have noticed... There are 2 words that mean “to be” Ser Estar

6 The difference! Ser long-lasting characteristics
Estar temporary conditions and location

7 Irregular Ir, Dar, and Estar are irregular verbs. You will just have to learn the conjugations. They don’t follow a regular verb pattern.

8 Ir yo voy nosotros vamos tú vas él/ella/Ud. va ellos/ellas/Uds. van

9 Dar yo doy nosotros damos tú das él/ella/Ud. da ellos/ellas/Uds. dan

10 Estar yo estoy nosotros estamos tú estás
él/ella/Ud. está ellos/ellas/Uds. están

11 going to The verb “ir” or one of its conjugations is often followed by “a” and means “going to.” Examples: I’m going to school. You’re going to laugh. etc...

12 Future Tense “ir a” is an easy way to do future tense.
Examples: Voy a estudiar mañana. Vamos a hablar en español.

13 Contractions Contractions are two words that combine to make one word
Examples: can + not = can’t

14 Spanish Contractions In Spanish, there are only 2 contractions:
a + el = al de + el = del

15 Meanings al = to the, at the
Example: Voy al gimnasio. (I go to the gym.) del = from the, of the Example: Vengo del gimnasio. (I come from the gym.)

16 grammar rule Unlike English, the two Spanish contractions are always mandatory. “a” and “el” cannot be beside each other, they will always merge into “al” “de” and “el” cannot be beside each other, they will always merge into “del”

17 Checking for Understanding

18 What do ir, dar, and estar mean?
Ir = to go Dar = to give estar = to be (temporary & location)

19 What does “ir a” mean? To be “going to”

20 Fill in the blank with the correct conjugation
Isabella _______ en bus. (ir) va

21 Fill in the blank with the correct conjugation
Yo ____ regalos a mis profesoras. (dar) doy

22 Fill in the blank with the correct conjugation
Nosotros ______ en la clase de español. (estar) estamos

23 Fill in the blank with the correct conjugation
Tú ______ a pie. (ir) vas

24 Fill in the blank with the correct conjugation
Mis abuelos ______ el dinero. (dar) dan

25 What is a contraction? Contractions are two words that combine to make one word

26 How many contractions are there in Spanish?

27 What are the 2 Spanish contractions?
al & del

28 el fin

29 Gracias iGracias! Maestra en Mississippi Hola,
I hope you and your students find this slideshow helpful. If you have any questions about the material, please feel free to me through the Teachers Pay Teachers website. If you like the slideshow, I would appreciate any positive feedback! By leaving feedback, you will earn 1 credit per $1 spent towards your future Teachers Pay Teachers purchases. Here is the web address for my store if you would like to leave feedback or check out other products I offer: iGracias! Maestra en Mississippi

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