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The Speed of Light in Vacuum

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Presentation on theme: "The Speed of Light in Vacuum"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Speed of Light in Vacuum
A Universal Constant: The Speed of Light in Vacuum The spacetime constant: Perhaps surprisingly, CEM = CST Any particle with vanishing mass will propagate with c.

2 Measuring the Speed of Light


4 Polarization of Light

5 Types of Polarization

6 Reflection causes Polarization

7 Experiment & The Inverse Square Law

8 Photometry:

9 Three polarizers can be good for a surprise …

10 Performance of Photometers

11 Interference and the two slit experiment by Young:

12 2d-fringe pattern and intensity distribution

13 Interferometry fringes: due to path-length differences

14 Impact of Source Coherence
He-Ne laser detail

15 White Line Fringes via Spectrograph

16 Complications: due to coating Reflectance fct. of wavelength TM perp., TE par. pol. rel. to plane of incidence

17 Diffraction modifies interference patterns:


19 Diffraction gratings (note: inverse of x-ray diffraction):

20 Michelson Interferometer

21 Michelson-Morley & the ether wind

22 Fabry-Perot Interferometry:
2 parallel mirrors, allowing for multiple round trips of light Sharp resonance for high mirror reflectivities, i.e. high transmission only for optical frequencies close to some desired value. Sharp feature allows for ultra-precise distance measurement. Relativity: Fizeau interferometer is a variation of Fabry-Perot.


24 Mach-Zehnder Interferometry:
2 separate beam splitters, 2 outputs usually read by photo-detectors Power distribution between outputs can be controlled by arm lengths Mis-aligned beams produce fringe patterns

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