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This is what we are required to do!!!!

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Presentation on theme: "This is what we are required to do!!!!"— Presentation transcript:

1 This is what we are required to do!!!!

2 Transfer modality options. Selection using weighted scoring method
Step 1. Define selection criteria and assign weights according to their importance influencing the final decision Criteria Weight (1 to 5) 1. Cost-efficiency 2. Enables one-week distribution 3. Security risk can be mitigated (cashless) 4. Gives incentive to traders to accept direct payments 5. Reliability of technology and FSP 6. Long-term use of technology 7. Ease of use by refugees Etc….

3 Transfer modality options. Selection using weighted scoring method
Step 2. Score each option based on how well it meets the selection criteria Criteria Option 1 (mobile money) Option 2 (bank account) Option 3 (e-voucher) 1. Cost-efficiency 2. Enables one-week distribution 3. Security risk can be … 4. Gives incentive to traders … 5. Reliability of technology and FSP 6. Long-term use of technology 7. Ease of use by refugees Etc….

4 Transfer modality options. Selection using weighted scoring method
Step 3. Multiply scores by their respective weight and add the products up to know the final score of each transfer option. Criteria Option 1 (mobile money) 1. Cost-efficiency Score X weight 2. Enables one-week distribution 3. Security risk can be … 4. Gives incentive to traders … 5. Reliability of technology and FSP 6. Long-term use of technology 7. Ease of use by refugees Total score SUM

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