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Race and racism.

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Presentation on theme: "Race and racism."— Presentation transcript:

1 Race and racism

2 overview Race What is race?
How is race distinct from ethnicity, nationality, and culture? How does race produce material consequences? Racism What is racism? How is racism distinct from stereotype, prejudice, and discrimination? Why is ”reverse racism” a problematic concept? How does racism manifest in US society?

3 What is race? Definition of race Origins of the concept of race
[Insert information about the development of race alongside US nation formation.]

4 What is race ? Why is race NOT rooted in biology?
[Insert scientific evidence discounting race as a biological concept.]

5 What is race? Why and how is race a social construction?
[Insert information about how definitions of racial categories have changed across time and space in the United States.]

6 ethnicity, nationality, and culture
Definition of Ethnicity [Insert an example of ethnicity here, e.g. your own or that of a public figure. Definition of Nationality [Insert an example of nationality here, e.g. your own or that of a public figure.] Definition of Culture [Insert an example of culture here, e.g. your own or that of a public figure.] Discussion: Why is race different from these three concepts?

7 How does race produce material consequences?
[Insert examples of the material consequences of race, ideally ones that occur in your academic discipline.] Possible examples: Income level Access to higher education Incarceration rates

8 What is racism? Discussion: What are some definitions of racism that you have heard? [This discussion should prompt students to state the incomplete definition of racism as an consciously and blatantly hateful individual expression or action. Address why this definition is incomplete before providing the actual definition.] Definition of racism

9 stereotype, prejudice, and discrimination
Definition of Racial Stereotype [Insert an example of a stereotype here, preferably one that is related to your academic discipline.] Definition of Racial Prejudice [Insert an example of prejudice here, preferably one that is related to your academic discipline.] Definition of Racial Discrimination [Insert an example of discrimination here, preferably one that is related to your academic discipline.] Discussion: Why is racism different from these three concepts?

10 “reverse racism” Definition of “Reverse Racism”
[Insert an example of so-called “reverse racism,” ideally one that pertains to your academic discipline.] Discussion: Why is “reverse racism” a problematic concept?

11 How does racism manifest in US society?
[Insert examples of the how racism manifests in US society, ideally in relation to your academic discipline.] Possible examples: Housing and land ownership Legislation and executive orders Criminal justice and incarceration

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