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BCS Teesside Web Services David Fuller. What I will cover What are Web Services? What is SOA? What is BPEL? Demonstrate the construction of a web service.

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Presentation on theme: "BCS Teesside Web Services David Fuller. What I will cover What are Web Services? What is SOA? What is BPEL? Demonstrate the construction of a web service."— Presentation transcript:

1 BCS Teesside Web Services David Fuller

2 What I will cover What are Web Services? What is SOA? What is BPEL? Demonstrate the construction of a web service

3 In common usage the term refers to clients and servers that communicate over the HTTP protocol used on the Web. Such services tend to fall into one of two camps: Big Web Services and RESTful Web Services. clientsserversHTTPclientsserversHTTP What are Web Services Source Wikipedia A 'Web service' is defined by the W3C as "a software system designed to support interoperable machine-to-machine interaction over a network" W3C interoperablemachine-to-machinenetworkW3C interoperablemachine-to-machinenetwork

4 What are RESTful Web Services? Representational state transfer Described by Roy Thomas Fielding Roy Thomas FieldingRoy Thomas Fielding A key design idiom that embraces a stateless client-server architecture in which the web services are viewed as resources and can be identified by their URLs Its what the world-wide-web does

5 What are Big Web Services "Big Web Services" use XML messages that generally follow the SOAP standard XML SOAPXML SOAP there is often machine-readable description of the operations offered by the service written in the Web Services Description Language (WSDL) Web Services Description LanguageWeb Services Description Language

6 Web Service Architecture

7 Acronym Competition WSDL Web Service Description Language

8 Acronym Competition UDDI Universal Description, Discovery and Integration

9 Acronym Competition SOAP It doesnt stand for anything It used to be Simple Object Access Protocol but no more

10 Acronym Competition JAX-RPC Java Api for Xml-based Remote Procedure Call – Now part of JAX-WS

11 Acronym Competition JSR Java Specification Request

12 Acronym Competition BPEL Business Process Execution Language

13 Acronym Competition SOA Service Oriented Architecture

14 What is SOA? A collection of loosely-coupled, distributed services which communicate and interoperate via agreed standards Source: Oxford University

15 SOA Principles Reuseability Service contract loose coupling AbstractionComposabilityAutonomousStatelessDiscoverable

16 SOA and Web Services Web Services are not inherently reusable Web Services have service contracts Web Services are loose-coupled Web Services support abstraction Web Services are naturally composable Autonomy has to be designed in Web Services support statelessness Discoverability is beyond the scope of a Web Service

17 What is JSR 181? Web Services Metadata for the Java Platform Simplifies the Java Web service programming model by providing a set of annotations that can be used to declaratively specify the Web services of an application JDK 5 or above Specification released 27 Jun, 2005

18 @WebService ( serviceName = "annotatedBank", targetNamespace = "http://service.annotatedBank" ) public class BankServiceImpl { …. JSR 181

19 @WebMethod (operationName= "create-account") public String createAccount( @WebParam(name="accountName") String acctName,float initBalance) throws RemoteException,AccountException { return m_bank.addNewAccount( acctName,initBalance); }

20 WS-* Set of 2 nd generation Web Service standards They start with WS- prefix

21 WS-* Include: –Messaging Specifications WS-NotificationWS-AddressingWS-TransferWS-EventingWS-Enumeration

22 WS-* –Metadata Exchange Specifications WS-PolicyWS-PolicyAssertionsWS-PolicyAttachmentWS-Discovery

23 WS-* –Security Specifications WS-SecurityWS-SecureConversationWS-TrustWS-Federation

24 WS-* Include: –Reliable Messaging Specifications WS-ReliableMessagingWS-Reliablility

25 WS-* Include: –Business Process Specifications WS-BPELWS-ChoreographyWS-CDL

26 WS-* Include: –Transaction Specifications WS-AtomicTransactionWS-CoordinationWS-CAFWS-TransactionWS-ContextWS-CF

27 WS-* Include: –Management Specifications WS-ManagementWS-ResourceTransfer

28 Orchestration Web Service Orchestration enables web services to be strung together in predefined patterns and executed via orchestration scripts Typically owned by a business The heart of SOA

29 Orchestration

30 Choreography Specification by the W3C defining aW3C XMLXML-based business process modeling language that describes collaborationbusiness process modeling protocols of cooperating Web Service participants, in which services act asWeb Service peers, and interactions may be long-lived and stateful.

31 BPEL Consortium originally made up of BEA (now Oracle), IBM and Microsoft Provides a language defining process flow Supports asynchronous operations and correlations Supports long-running workflows

32 Reference Sites and itle=JBossWS

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