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Unit 1 Foundations 9.9.15.

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1 Unit 1 Foundations 9.9.15

2 Entry Task Review your notes from yesterday. Do you see any patterns? Write them down in your notes. Look for patterns in climate, vegetation, wildlife, & location Have a discussion about the patterns. Ask for clarification if needed. Ask students why they think these patterns exist and if they think they are important or just coincidence.

3 Warm Up What are continents?

4 Definitions bi·as noun map pro·jec·tion noun
a tendency to believe that some people, ideas, etc., are better than others that usually results in treating some people unfairly map pro·jec·tion noun a method of representing a round object on a flat surface, which necessarily distorts the picture

5 Mercator Projection

6 Peters Projection

7 Goode Projection

8 What are Projections? Maps are called projections because map-makers have to project a 3-D surface onto a 2-D map. A map projection is a way to represent the curved surface of the Earth on the flat surface of a map.

9 Maps There are many ways to put the world on a map and many reasons to choose one way over another. Today we are going to look at several of the varieties and think about the implications of each.

10 Is this map correct? Why or why not?

11 Map of the world in proportion to population

12 Most popular sports in the world

13 Most famous brand from each state

14 Article On Maps, Why is North Always Up? Cecil Adams, The Chicago Reader, April 24, 1987 What do you think about this question? What do you think about the answer?

15 Map Analysis Packet Work with your partner to complete the packet.
Use the map on the page to answer the questions IN COMPLETE SENTENCES.

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