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Lee County Elementary School Third Grade

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1 Lee County Elementary School Third Grade
U.S. Government Lee County Elementary School Third Grade

2 History of U.S.A. Prior to the signing of the Constitution, America had been made up of thirteen colonies, which had been ruled by England. The colonist feared a strong central government like the one they lived with under England's rule, so each individual state governed itself. Well…problems arose… Each state had it’s on money…how would one buy things across state lines? What if the United States was attacked? There would not be an organized “national” military to defend the US. So, The Constitution was written! Uniting the ALL the STATES! No More Kings...Schoolhouse Rock!

3 The US Constitution

4 The National Archives

5 Citizenship A citizen is someone who lives in a community. A community is a group of people with common interest who live in a particular place. Rules, or laws, help the citizens of a community work, play, and live together safely.

6 Citizenship You are a citizen of many communities, including:
*Your neighborhood *School: Lee County Elementary School *City/Town: Leesburg or Smithville *County: Lee County *State: Georgia *Country: United States * Planet: Earth

7 Local Government Local government is government for your community. Cities usually have a mayor and a city council. A mayor is the leader of a city’s government. City council members work with the mayor to get things done for the city. A city council makes laws for a city.

8 Lee County Local Leaders
Mayor: Jim Quinn BrainPopJr. Local Government

9 State Government Georgia is one of 50 states in the United States. It has its own state government. State government leaders work in Atlanta, the state capital. A capital is the city where a state or country makes its laws.

10 State Government All state governments have three branches, or parts.
The legislative branch makes laws. In Georgia it is the General Assembly. The General Assembly is made up of the Georgia House of Representatives and the Georgia Senate. They meet as a group in the state capitol building in Atlanta. Georgia citizens vote to choose the leaders who will represent them.

11 State Government The executive branch carries out state laws. The governor is the leader of this branch. A governor signs laws to make them official. A governor can stop new laws if he or she does not agree with them. The judicial branch settles disputes and makes sure laws follow the state and national constitutions. This branch is made up of courts that are led by judges. A constitution is the plan of government that includes the laws and ideas that a group of people follow. GA State Supreme Court

12 Three Branches of State Government
Legislative Branch Executive Branch Judicial Branch General Assembly: GA House of Representatives and Georgia Senate Governor is the leader of this branch Courts led by judges Makes Laws Signs laws to make them official/can stop new laws if he/she doesn’t agree with them settles disputes and makes sure laws follow the state and national constitutions

13 National Government The center of national government in the Untied States is Washington, D.C., the capital of our country.

14 National Government The national government has three branches.
The United States Congress is the legislative branch. Congress has two parts. The House of Representatives is made up of representatives. The number of representatives from each state is based on the number of people in a state. The Senate includes senators. Each state has two senators. US House of Representatives US Senate

15 National Government The President is the head of the executive branch of the United States. Like governors, the president can stop laws that he or she does not agree with. The president works in the White House, which is also the home of the president. President

16 National Government The Supreme Court is the head of the judicial branch of our national government. The Supreme Court has nine members called justices. The justices make sure that the laws and conduct of government agree with the United States Constitution. The laws passed by Congress cannot go against the Constitution. The role of each branch is written in the Constitution. The main role of the Constitution is to protect the rights of the people. Supreme Court

17 Government Power One way the Constitution protects our rights is by limiting the power of government. The Constitution does this in two ways. It separates the powers so that each branch has a job to do that no other branch can do. For example, only Congress can make laws. The Supreme Court and the president cannot make laws. Also, the powers of one branch are balanced by the powers of another branch. One branch has a check, or limit, over another so that power is balanced. For example, the president checks or limits the power of Congress with the veto. The veto is the power of the president to reject a law written by Congress. Congress can override, or cancel, a veto with enough votes. Branches of Government Checks and Balances

18 Branches of Government Song
(Tune of Farmer in the Dell) The legislative makes laws The legislative makes laws city council, general assembly, and congress All make laws. The executive carries out laws The executive carries out laws mayor, governor, and president All carry out laws. The judicial makes laws fair The judicial makes laws fair local, state, supreme courts All make laws fair.

19 B Which of these makes laws in our national government?
executive branch Congress Supreme Court city council B

20 Which of these created and described the role of each branch of our national government?
Supreme Court separation of powers judicial branch Constitution D

21 Which of these is the head of the executive branch of the state government?
mayor president governor council C

22 B Which is a responsibility of the national government?
city police protection the military county schools state highways B

23 D One way the Congress checks the power of the president is by
its veto power appointing judges declaring war voting on presidential appointments D

24 D Which of these is a service provided by the local government
paying the governor building national highways delivering mail fighting fires D

25 A Which of these is a part of Georgia state government?
General Assembly U.S. Congress City Council County Board of Commissioners A

26 B Which part of government makes laws? the president Congress
the courts the executive branch B

27 A The leader of the executive branch of state government is
the governor the president the mayor the manager A

28 C Which branch of government is made up of courts? executive branch
legislative branch judicial branch Congress C

29 Why is there a separation of powers between branches of the United States government?
to keep one branch from having too much power to keep the president in office to have nine justices of the Supreme Court to make sure Congress writes laws that favor all branches C

30 C Which of these is a service of the national government?
building state roads running a county school keeping national parks clean opening a shopping mall C

31 A Which of these is a service provided by the local government?
police protection making coffee throwing parties cutting hair A

32 D The leader of the executive branch of local government is the
governor president city council mayor D

33 The separation of powers among the three branches of national government is written in the
US Constitution Georgia Constitution Atlanta Constitution Cobb County Charter A

34 Other Resources

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