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Presentation on theme: "Pre-Encumbrances."— Presentation transcript:

1 Pre-Encumbrances

2 Agenda Pre-Encumbrance Overview Budget Overview Available Fund Balance
Budget & Resource Planning Agenda Pre-Encumbrance Overview Budget Overview Available Fund Balance Account Reconciliation Pre-Encumbrance Queries Management Reports 7/30/18

3 Budget & Resource Planning
Overview Salary Encumbrances = Filled position and appointment salaries Salary Pre-Encumbrances = Vacant position salaries A&C job codes only Excludes: F job codes, RAs, TAs, GAs, student workers, work study, stipends, visiting scientists, positions paid off a C&G cost center Vacant position salaries liquidate monthly August vacant salaries will disencumber when the July payroll closes On 9/1/18 pre-encumbrances will be turned on 7/30/18

4 Updating Pre-Encumbrances
Budget & Resource Planning Updating Pre-Encumbrances ePARs Once completed, the overnight process will pick up changes PRR Salary, cost center, fte, and effective date changes will be updated when processed by Budget Overnight process will pick up changes After a PRR has been processed and before hiring someone in the position Request to inactivate a position 7/30/18

5 Budget & Resource Planning
Budget Overview 7/30/18

6 Available Fund Balance
Budget & Resource Planning Available Fund Balance 7/30/18

7 Account Reconciliation
Budget & Resource Planning Account Reconciliation 7/30/18

8 Pre-Encumbrance Queries
Budget & Resource Planning Pre-Encumbrance Queries REVIEW_PREENCUMBRANCE_COST_CTR 7/30/18

9 Pre-Encumbrance Queries
Budget & Resource Planning Pre-Encumbrance Queries REVIEW_PREENCUMBRANCE_DEPT 7/30/18

10 Pre-Encumbrance Queries
Budget & Resource Planning Pre-Encumbrance Queries REVIEW_PREENCUMBRANCE_POSITION 7/30/18

11 Budget & Resource Planning
Management Reports Gemini HR > Main Menu > UTD Customizations > Management Reports Need department access 7/30/18

12 Budget & Resource Planning
FAQs Q: Will benefits be pre-encumbered? A: Yes, benefits are pre-encumbered as a lump sum under account If your cost center does not pay benefits then you will only see the earnings pre-encumbered. Q: How do I update the cost center for a vacant position? A: Send an to and we will make the change 7/30/18

13 Budget & Resource Planning
FAQs Q: What happens to the pre-encumbrance for a position that will be filled on 10/1? A: If the annual salary is $36,000 or $3,000/month, and Payroll completes the ePAR on 9/20. The night of 9/20, the pre- encumbrance will be fully released, and the actual salary will be encumbered as of the start date for 11 months (10/1-8/31). Date 9/1-Month beginning 9/15-ePAR sent 9/20-ePAR processed 10/1-Employee starts 11/1-Employee paid for October Pre-encumbrance $36,000 (9/1-8/31) $0 (Released) $0 Encumbrance $33,000 (10/1-8/31) $30,000 (11/1-8/31) Expense $3,000 7/30/18

14 Budget & Resource Planning
FAQs Q: What if a vacant position is paid 50/50 from designated funds(3000) and C&G funds? A: The designated cost center will pre-encumber 50% of the vacant position salary. The C&G cost center will not pre- encumber the other 50%. Q: Since the pre-encumbrances will be turned on 9/1/18 will I be able to see my vacant position salaries that day? A: The earliest you will see pre-encumbrances are 9/1/18. Both position and the funding tables have to be updated with FY19 information in order for the pre-encumbrances to calculate 7/30/18

15 Budget & Resource Planning
Questions? 7/30/18

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