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Persuasion how to do it (well).

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Presentation on theme: "Persuasion how to do it (well)."— Presentation transcript:

1 persuasion how to do it (well)

2 Types of Persuasion

3 Logos Persuasion that appeals to logic

4 Ethos Persuasion that appeals to character

5 Pathos Persuasion that appeals to emotions


7 Persuasive Techniques

8 Bandwagon

9 Cardstacking

10 Circular Reasoning

11 Either/Or “Eat your broccoli or you won’t get desert.”

12 Faulty Cause-Effect A black cat crossed Bob’s path
yesterday and, sure enough, he was involved in an automobile accident later that same afternoon. You better watch out! 12

13 Glittering Generalities

14 Hasty Generalizations

15 Loaded Words “People who didn’t serve in the military are traitors to this country.” 15

16 Name Calling

17 Plain Folks

18 Rewards

19 Rhetorical Question

20 Repetition

21 Snob Appeal

22 Testimonial

23 Three Extras 

24 Transfer A persuasive technique that suggests that good feelings, looks, or ideas are automatically transferred to users of the product

25 Transfer

26 Slippery Slop Suggests that if one step or action is taken, it will lead to similar steps or actions. A slippery slope always assumes a chain reaction of cause-effect events which result in some eventual dire outcome.

27 Slippery Slope Example: If the Supreme Court allows abortion, next thing you know they'll allow genocide.

28 Straw Man Ignoring the argument at hand, while directing to an over exaggerated / wrong counterpoint

29 Straw Man Jill: "We should clean out the closets. They are getting a bit messy." Bill: "Why, we just went through those closets last year. Do we have to clean them out everyday?" Jill: "I never said anything about cleaning them out every day.”


31 Bay Port is considering eliminating study hall from the school schedule. While this would force you to take another class and earn additional credits, it would eliminate time to study. Either persuade the school board to eliminate study hall or keep it on the schedule. Use: Logos Ethos Pathos

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