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GFP GAP-43 merge Vec Raf CAAX Raf S621A

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1 GFP GAP-43 merge Vec Raf CAAX Raf S621A
Suppl.C GFP GAP-43 merge Sustained activation of ERK pathway induces neurite outgrowth in TNB-1 cells TNB-1 cells were transfected with the indicated pCDNA3-derived Raf constructs and the pEGFP-C3 reporter construct. Expression of activated Raf protein, RafCAAX, induced neurite outgrowth in TNB-1 cells. RafCAAX : full-length Raf1 proteins containing carboxyl-terminal fusions with the membrane localization sequences of Ki-ras. RafS621A: dominant negative form of Raf1. Vec Raf CAAX Raf S621A

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