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Your Presentation Title Here

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Presentation on theme: "Your Presentation Title Here"— Presentation transcript:

1 Your Presentation Title Here
Your Name Here Organization, State

2 Driving Question What question or problem were you trying to address through your program/project? Example: Is increasing marijuana use in teens and young adults associated with motor vehicle crashes?

3 Purpose - Overview Provide a brief overview that explains the purpose of your project

4 Data Use Briefly explain how data informs the planning, process, and implementation of your project.

5 Partnerships Does the project have any unique partnerships?

6 Evidence – Informed Strategies
Was an evidence-informed strategy selected? If not, what is the project based on? Did you incorporate- Influencing Policy/Legislation Change Organizational Practice Community Education Individual Knowledge

7 Training & Resources What type of training is necessary for project staff? Is this specific for implementation? Identify the resources needed to implement the project.

8 Evaluation What evaluation metrics have you set in place?

9 Additional Questions - Needs
Specifically outline questions or needs GETAC Injury Prevention committee or any Texas stakeholders can assist you with answering?

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