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Status of Chilean DWDM RFP Ronald Lambert - LSST Sandra Jaque - Reuna Fernando Liello – Garr LSST AHM AUGUST 18, 2016 MATERIAL PRESENTED PROPRIETARY

2 OVERVIEW Charter to purchase DWDM equipment for the following locations with 100Gb Lambdas Cerro Pachon – LSST and AURA La Serena – LSST, AURA and Reuna Santiago – Reuna AHM Tucson. August, 2016.

3 OVERVIEW Following DWDM vendors invited to compete In the process
AHM Tucson. August, 2016.

4 METHODOLOGY AHM Tucson. August, 2016.

5 METHODOLOGY Commenced process in August 2015. Economical Progress
AHM Tucson. August, 2016.

6 METHODOLGY Technical Progress AHM Tucson. August, 2016.

7 SUMMARY August 2016. Process terminated.
Effectively selected the vendor. Advantages of the negotiated procedure. We are significantly under budget Lambdas have increased from 100Gb to 200/400Gb Optical protection on the AURA and LSST links Added a second Lambda to the AURA Base to Summit link Added a chassis in the Santiago International Exchange Obtained the best warranty and service agreements - OPEX Original budget $1.4M Original equipment CAPEX costs = $900,000 Additional DWDM node equipment CAPEX cost= $200,00 Total = 1,100,000 AHM Tucson. August, 2016.

8 Technology Technically the two companies in the process are quite similar They offer: OTU-4 Line card (4 x OTU-4) Client interfaces (nx10GE or 4x100GE) One uses a single card for the line and client interface but in a different chassis The other uses two cards, one for the line side and the other for the client AHM Tucson. August, 2016.

9 Thank you. LSST AHM August 18, 2016


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