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Exeter College Work Portfolio

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1 Exeter College Work Portfolio
Liam Osborne – IT EXTENDED DIPLOMA (YEAR 1 AND 2) Menu

2 Select a year to see work from:
(External Information) Back

3 Year 1 (90 credit diploma) Unit 8 – ECommerce Unit 23 - HCI
Unit 28 – Web Dev Back

4 Year 2 (extended diploma [design])
Unit 31 – Computer Animation Unit 39 – Web Animation Unit 41 – 3D Modelling Back

5 Unit 8 – Ecommerce In this unit we focused on Ecommerce which is using the internet to sell different products. This unit can link to web development, as we were doing it at the same time, we made our website based around selling different products, killing two birds with one stone. Along with learning how to make a website that sells products, we also looked into the system behind it all and how people use the internet to make money. One example that we learnt about was “Drop-Shipping” which is where you ask a company to supply your website with products and you add on an extra percentage on top of what you owe the company for each product bought. Back Next Page

6 Unit 23 – hci In this Unit we focused on HCI. HCI is the abbreviation of Human Computer Interaction and in this unit we had to look at the principles of HCI as well as making our own HCI based on the Exeter College website. With HCI it was important to note down not only how easy to HCI was to use but how it was easy to use for people with disability. This could be doing things such as text to speech as well as a contrast setting so that certain people can still use the HCI. Back

7 Unit 28 – website development
In this Unit we focused on web development, creating a website and putting content onto that website for others to see. The task we were given was to create a website that was a store for games, selling both console games and pc games (On the next page you can see the website that I made for this task). Alongside this, we also learnt of all the different principles to do with website development, For instance, the security risks that come with making a website as well as both user and server factors of making a website. Back Next Page

8 Unit 28 – website development / unit 8 - ecommerce (My site)
Previous Page (Unit 28) Previous Page (Unit 8) Unit 28 – website development / unit 8 - ecommerce (My site)

9 Unit 31 – Computer Animation
In this unit we learned how to create computer animations of flash. On the next page you can see my animation I made for this Unit. Along with this, we also learnt about the ethical and legal parts of the whole animations topic (I.E. things like copyright/fair use). Along with creating animations, we also looked into both the equipment and programs needed to make animations. Back Next Page (Animation)

10 Unit 39 – Web Animation This unit for me personally was an extension of the previous unit we did which was computer animation. In this unit we took our animations we made and added onto it to make the animation interactive. So for instance in my animation I have it so that after the initial first scene plays showing the character do a speech, it cuts to the character in a college hallway, telling you to pick a course. We also looked into the history of animation in this unit, looking at people like “The Lumiere Brothers” or looking at the first device which allowed animation to be realized (Thaumatrope) Back Next Page (Animation)

11 Next Page (3D Animation Video)
Unit 41 – 3D Modelling In this 3D modelling unit, we moved from Flash (Animate) to Blender so we could start learning how to create 3D models and in the end, animate them also. Initially we started off by looking at the “Theory of 3D” which is where we looked in detail at each part of 3D animation, from the vertices of a shape to wireframes and geometric co-ordinate systems. In this unit we had to make a 3D animations that was to do with space, so we had to create both a spaceship that was unique and also create planets for the ship to fly around. Back Next Page (3D Animation Video)

12 Unit 41 – 3D Modelling (3d animation)

13 External Information Back
One of the main links I used it the Moodle link, this allowed us to access all the information we needed for each unit. Another source which was important was the edexcel books we used. These books told us what we needed to know and had information on each unit. Back

14 Interactive Animation
(Right click and click play to play through the animations)

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