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Greensburg Goes Green Review.

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1 Greensburg Goes Green Review

2 Results or effects consequences

3 Substances given off into the air; discharges

4 ferocious Savagely cruel or destructive; fierce

5 People who predict weather conditions on the basis of meteorological data

6 incubator Place or situation that encourages formation and development; heated container

7 Able to be maintained or kept in existence; supportable

8 Engines or motors consisting of a series of paddles or blades mounted on wheels around central shafts turbines

9 More Words to Know Affixes are word parts, either prefixes or suffixes, that can be attached to a base word or root to make a new word. The affix un- means “not” The suffix –able means “capable of”

10 undoubtedly Certainly; undisputed

11 admirable Worthy of respect; inspiring approval

12 uninhabited Not lived in

13 drinkable Safe to drink

14 Unhurried Slow

15 Comprehension Skill: Sequence
Sequence refers to the order of events or the steps in a process Dates, times, and clue words such as first, next, then, and last can help you determine sequence.

16 Text-Based Response Look Back and Write (Pg. 314, #5) How did Greensburg “go green”? Could other places follow this model? Before responding, reread pages Provide evidence to support your answer.

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