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Welcome to todays service… You shall be blessed above all peoples; there shall not be a male or female barren among you or among your livestock. – Deuteronomy.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to todays service… You shall be blessed above all peoples; there shall not be a male or female barren among you or among your livestock. – Deuteronomy."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to todays service… You shall be blessed above all peoples; there shall not be a male or female barren among you or among your livestock. – Deuteronomy. 7:14

2 1. Hymn 541 - Yoruba 1.Mo ti sina, sinu ese, Ore Oluwa lori mi he, Oku fun mi lori igi, Ore Ofe Oga Ogo poju. 2.Mo ti sonu, sinu ese, Ore Oluwa lori mi he, Oku fun mi lori igi, Ore Ofe Oga Ogo poju. 3.Halleluyah; Halleluyah Ore Oluwa lori mi he, Oku fun mi lori igi, Ore Ofe Oga Ogo poju. (Amin)

3 2. Hymn 6 - English 1.Let us give thanks to the Lord Jehovah the Almighty Creator of Heaven and Earth Who guideth us till this day. 2.He made the seven heavens And even the seven earths The sun and even the Moon That illuminate us round. 3.He all creatures sustaineth Even the birds of the air Sowing not, harvesting not Also with beasts of the field. 4.Join us all to praise the Lord Whose glory is eternal King of ever-shining light King of our victory. 5.Jehovah Holy Holy Holy Behold us with favor thine And be our protector in This holy congregation. 6.Jesus Christ the redeemer Bind us with thy salvation That we might be free from sin Sake of thy blood that floweth. - OVER -

4 2. Hymn 6 – English (Contd) 7.Holy Michael our captain Defender of all the saints Lift thy sword in our defense Evil spirit to conquer 8.Glory to Father on high Glory to His equal son Glory to the Holy Ghost Trinity everlasting. Amen.

5 Three members prayers… "You shall call His name Jesus, for it is He who will save His people from their sins" (Matthew 1:21).

6 3. Hymn 41 - English 1.Holy Spirit the Comforter Descend into our midst Thou are the King of blessing We are expecting thee. 2.For thou art the Almighty King Great King and benefactor Oh King of spirit descend now We are expecting thee. 3.King of mercy descend now Look on us with mercy We thy children look unto thee Open thy door of mercy. 4.Oh Holy King, benefactor Father send us blessings For thou art the Almighty Who blesses His children. 5.King of mercy, O King of life Kindle thy light for us Thou art the King full of light We are expecting thee. 6.O Holy King, O King of light Descend and bless us now For thou art King of mercy We are expecting thee. Amen.

7 Silent Prayer Therefore I say to you, all things for which you pray and ask, believe that you have received them, and they will be granted you. -- Mark 11:24

8 4. Hymn 78 – English 1.Father, give us thy power Father, give us thy power The power to conquer witches The to conquer wizards The power evil world cannot confront Father, give us thy power. 2. Father, give us thy spirit Father, give us thy spirit Thy spirit to overcome witches Thy spirit to overcome wizards Thy spirit evil world cannot confront Father, give us thy spirit. Amen.

9 1 st Bible Lesson Genesis 6: 9 - 22 For the Lord GOD will help Me; Therefore I will not be disgraced; Therefore I have set My face like a flint, And I know that I will not be ashamed. – Isaiah 50:7

10 5. Hymn 52 – Yoruba 1.Oluwa Olugbala, Oluwa Olugbala, Jehovah Olugbala, Yio si gbo ti wa. 2.Oluwa Oba Iye Oluwa Oba Iye, Kristi Oba Imole, O mbe lodo wa. 3.E kepe Oba Ogo, E kepe Oba Mimo, E kepe Oba Iye Yio si gbo oro wa. 4.Oba ti ko gbagbe, Oba ti ko gbagbe, Oba ti ko gbagbe, Ijo Mimo re.

11 5. Hymn 52 – Yoruba 5.Awon Angeli mbe, Awon Angeli mbe, Awon Angeli mbe, Ninu ayo nla. 6.Iyin fun Oba Mimo, Iyin fun Oba nla, Ogo ni fun Oba nla, Fun ise Re ni. 7.E ke Halleluya, E ke Halleluya, E ke Halleluya, Pelu ife Mimo. Amin.

12 2 nd Bible Lesson Revelations 12: 1 -17 "As I live, says the LORD, Every knee shall bow to Me, And every tongue shall confess to God." So then each of us shall give account of himself to God. – Romans 14: 11-12

13 6. Hymn 303 - Yoruba 1.Awon Angeli yo lodo Baba, Awon Angeli yo lodo Baba, Ise ti Baba ran wa, Lawa yio ma se, Ha! Ha! Ha! Halleluya, Ha! Ha! Ha! Halleluya, Ha! Ha! Ha! Halleluya, Lorin wa yio je. 2.Inu ayo la wa lodo Baba, Inu ayo la wa lodo Baba, Ayo ti Baba fun wa, Ki yio de opin, O! O! O! orin segun, O! O! O! orin segun, O! O! O! orin segun, Lawa nko saiye. Amin.

14 6. Hymn 80 – English (Contd) 1.Worship ye steadfastly Worship ye steadfastly Its worship that will save us all Worship ye steadfastly Worship, worship, this earthly worshipping, Worship, worship, this earthly Worshipping will save us all. Amen.

15 Church Announcements…

16 The Sermon… For the LORD is good; His mercy is everlasting, And His truth endures to all generations. -- Psalms 100:5

17 Collection… Please remember… All collections are taken ONCE, followed by tithes and Chairmanship!

18 Thanks Offering… Enter into His gates with thanksgiving, And into His courts with praise. Be thankful to Him, and bless His name. – Psalms 100:4

19 7. Hymn 28 - English 1.Halleluyah, our joy cometh Angels from heaven descend Purposely to give us blessing That our joy may be eternal. 2.We that are looking unto God Let us never be discouraged We shall all share in the blessing By the grace of our God on high. Amen.

20 Have a God-blessed day Dont forget to invite your friends for our upcoming harvest!!! Remember to pay your harvest dues!

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