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XML in the Emerging U.S. Federal Information Architecture Presented by Eliot Christian, USGS April 30, 2003.

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Presentation on theme: "XML in the Emerging U.S. Federal Information Architecture Presented by Eliot Christian, USGS April 30, 2003."— Presentation transcript:

1 XML in the Emerging U.S. Federal Information Architecture Presented by Eliot Christian, USGS April 30, 2003

2 2 Business Reference Model (BRM) Lines of Business Agencies, Customers, Partners Service Component Reference Model (SRM) Technical Reference Model (TRM) Data Reference Model (DRM) Business-Driven Approach Performance Reference Model (PRM) Government-wide Performance Measures & Outcomes Line of Business-Specific Performance Measures & Outcomes Service Layers, Service Types Components, Access and Delivery Channels Service Component Interfaces, Interoperability Technologies, Recommendations Business-focused data standardization Cross-Agency Information exchanges Federal Enterprise Architecture (FEA)

3 3 Regulatory Management Support Delivery of Services Policy and Guidance Devel. Public Comment Tracking Regulatory Development Rule Publication Knowledge Mgmt CRM Content Mgmt Collaboration Search Portal Personalization Business Reference Model ( BRM ) Rule Publication Service Component Reference Model ( SRM ) Technologies Platforms J2EE.NET Windows NT Data Mgmt ODBC JDBC Business Logic Technical Reference Model ( TRM ) Performance Reference Model (PRM) Outcomes, Measurements, Metrics Business lines and functionsSupporting technology and standards Enabling capabilities, components, and services Data and Information Reference Model (DRM) Classification, Categorization, XML, Sharing FEA Reference Models

4 4 FEA Data Reference Model (DRM) Overview of Framework Recreational Resource Management & Tourism Level of Granularity / Re-Use Level of Context FEA Business Reference Model (BRM) Classification Object Class Property Representation Data Element Concept Data Element Camping Campsite Permit Name Location Facility Trail Fee Use Request Identifier Name Location Text Amount Text Name Campsite Name (Name)Permit Fee Amount Conceptual

5 5 1. Avoid non-standard data syntaxes Standard: XML or ASN.1 2. Register the semantics of shared data elements Standard: ISO 11179 3. Document service interfaces in a standard way Standard: CORBA IDL, ebXML, Web Services, UDDI 4. Implement standard for information discovery Standard: Information Retrieval, ISO 23950/GILS 5. Implement standard interfaces for geospatial data Standard: GILS/GEO, OpenGIS Consortium Information Architecture Principles

6 6 Information Architecture Principle 1: Avoid non-standard data syntaxes Need to agree on a small number of robust data representation syntaxes that handle all data types required to traverse the shared interfaces Agreement to use either ASN.1 (Abstract Syntax Notation) or XML (Extensible Markup Language Both are interconvertible and both are compatible with Web Services

7 7 Information Architecture Principle 2: Register the semantics of shared data elements Need a common understanding of the meaning of data elements traversing the interface ISO 11179 (Information Technology-- Metadata Registries) supports registration of data using virtually any syntax

8 8 Registries as Applied to Data/ Information/ Knowledge Management Several types of registries commonly used in data / information/ knowledge management Various registries have related content, extended and utilized in different ways The registries vary according to: intended purpose granularity of contents the level of semantics management.

9 9 Types of Registries Common Content OASIS/ebXML Registries Common Content ISO 11179 Registries Common Content Ontological Registries Common Content Database Catalogs Common Content CASE Tool Repositories Common Content UDDI Registries Software Component Registries Common Content

10 10 Types of Registries: Database Catalogs/Data Dictionaries/ Repositories Registers schema, integrity & operational information Includes all elements of database schemas: data elements, relations, integrity constraints Emphasis on information required to make database systems work for queries, etc., not semantic management Common Content Database Catalogs

11 11 Types of Registries: Universal Description, Discovery, and Integration (UDDI) Registries Registers Web-based Business Services A White page directory of the business activities of firms Emphasis on interface specifications Common Content UDDI Registries

12 12 Types of Registries: Case Tool (Encyclopedias/Repositories) Registers data models and application program logic Includes information needed to create a database and potentially the program code for a system, including database schemas Emphasis not on semantic management Common Content CASE Tool Repositories

13 13 Types of Registries: Ontological Registries Registers Concept Structures Includes relations among concepts (subsumption, inheritance, … ) and axioms for inference among concepts, e.g., temporal/spatial reasoning, etc. Emphasis is on semantics Common Content Ontological Registries

14 14 Types of Registries: Software Component Registries Registers reusable software components built on specific vendor platforms such as EJB, COM, CORBA IDL etc. Includes basic common elementary objects and object patterns Emphasis on reusability of software component to build flexible and standardized business systems. Software Component Registries Common Content

15 15 Types of Registries: OASIS/ebXML XML Registries Registers XML Artifacts Includes schemas and DTDs (XML schemata typically relate to a paper form, EDI document, or reporting requirement) Emphasis on syntactic (structure) information Common Content OASIS/ebXML Registries

16 16 Types of Registries: ISO 11179 Metadata Registries Registers Data Elements, components of data elements and groups of data elements (e.g., country codes for customer place of residence) Includes data element concepts, data elements (including representation), value domains, and (multiple) taxonomies Emphasis on semantic information such as definitions of data elements and value meanings, and stewardship responsibilities Common Content ISO 11179 Registries

17 17 Example of Common Content across Registry Types Common Content OASIS/ebXML Registries Common Content ISO 11179 Registries Common Content Ontological Registries Common Content CASE Tool Repositories Common Content UDDI Registries Country Name Software Component Registries Common Content Database Catalogs

18 18 Registries Example of Common Content Common Content OASIS/ebXML Registries Common Content ISO 11179 Registries Common Content Ontological Registries Common Content CASE Tool Repositories Common Content UDDI Registries Country Name Data Element XML Tag Term Hierarchy Attribute Business Specification Table Column Software Component Registries Common Content Database Catalogs Business Object

19 19 OASIS/ebXML XML Registry JPN Repository VI304 ListPrice Currency Dollars XML Instance UnitPrice XML Instance JPN Collaboration Partner #1 X12 EDIFACT DISA DISA Schema or Template DISA DISA Schema or Template Collaboration Partner #2 Alice Wilson 161 North Street Happy Valley MO 63105 USA

20 20 UDDI Registry Alice Wilson 161 North Street Happy Valley MO 63105 USA Business-to-Business

21 21 Case Tool Repository

22 22 Database Catalog

23 23 Ontological Registry Concept Geographic Area Geographic Sub-Area Country Country Identifier Country NameCountry Code Short Name ISO 3166 2-Character Code ISO 3166 3- Character Code Long Name Distributor Country Name Mailing Address Country Name ISO 3166 3-Numeric Code FIPS Code

24 24 An Example of Software Component Registry

25 25 Data Element List – Address Group Alice Wilson 161 North Street Happy Valley MO 63105 USA ISO 11179 Registry 33c Name Street Address City, State Postal Code Country

26 26 Data Elements DZ BE CN DK EG FR... ZW ISO 3166 English Name ISO 3166 3-Numeric Code 012 056 156 208 818 250... 716 ISO 3166 2-Alpha Code Algeria Belgium China Denmark Egypt France... Zimbabwe Name: Context: Definition: Unique ID: 4572 Value Domain: Maintenance Org. Steward: Classification: Registration Authority: Others ISO 3166 French Name L`Algérie Belgique Chine Danemark Egypte La France... Zimbabwe DZA BEL CHN DNK EGY FRA... ZWE ISO 3166 3-Alpha Code Example of Common Content Country Identifier Algeria Belgium China Denmark Egypt France... Zimbabwe Name: Country Identifiers Context: Definition: Unique ID: 5769 Conceptual Domain: Maintenance Org.: Steward: Classification: Registration Authority: Others Data Element Concept

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