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Dr. Tassadaq Hussain Introduction to Verilog – Part-3 Expressing Sequential Circuits and FSM.

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Presentation on theme: "Dr. Tassadaq Hussain Introduction to Verilog – Part-3 Expressing Sequential Circuits and FSM."— Presentation transcript:

1 Dr. Tassadaq Hussain
Introduction to Verilog – Part-3 Expressing Sequential Circuits and FSM

2 Assignment-0 Vendor FPGA Architecture Study:
List/Draw/Table FPGA device portfolio offered by Xilinx and Altera (Intel) Compare and contrast the FPGA architecture of low-end and high-end devices from both vendors. More specifically, compare the following: LB Architecture Logic Cluster Architecture Block-RAM (BRAM) architecutre How do Xilinx and Altera architectures differ from each other? Your report shouldn’t exceed three pages. Submission deadline: 5th October

3 Review: Sequential Logic
In a combinational circuit, the values of the outputs are determined solely by the present values of its inputs. A sequential circuit has states, which in conjunction with the present values of inputs determine its behavior. W Combinational Combinational Flip-flops Z circuit circuit Q Clock

4 Review: Sequential Logic
In a sequential circuit, the values of the outputs depend on the past behavior of the circuit, as well as the present values of its inputs. Moore: If the outputs depend only on the present state. Mealy: If the outputs depend on both the present state and the present values of the inputs. W Combinational Combinational Flip-flops Z circuit circuit Q Clock

5 Review: Sequential Logic
Sequential circuits can be: Synchronous – where flip-flops are used to implement the states, and a clock signal is used to control the operation. Asynchronous – where no clock is used. W Combinational Combinational Flip-flops Z circuit circuit Q Clock

6 Expressing Sequential Logic in Verilog
You have got only one choice: While combinational circuits can be modeled using continuous assignment or procedural assignment statements. sequential circuits can be described only with procedural statements.

7 Review: Describing a Positive-Edge D-Flip Flop
CLK is the only input that can cause an event on the output Therefore CLK is the only signal in the sensitivity list Special sensitivity Clock): This event expression tells the Verilog compiler that any reg variable assigned a value in the always construct is the output of a D flip-flop module flipflop (D, Clock, Q); input D, Clock; output reg Q; Clock) Q <= D; endmodule D CLK Q D Q

8 Review: Flip-flop Reset Signal
A flip-flop can have either a synchronous or asynchronous reset Asynchronous Reset: When the reset signal is high, the flip-flop is reset (forced to ‘0’) immediately, regardless of the clock. Synchronous Reset: On a rising clock edge, if the reset signal is high, The flip-flop is reset (forced to ‘0’). The difference: Synchronous reset  flip-flop only resets on a rising clock edge Asynchronous reset  flip-flop resets immediately

9 D Flip-Flop with (Asynchronous) Reset
module flipflop_ar (D, Clock, Resetn, Q); input D, Clock, Resetn; output reg Q; Clock, negedge Resetn) if (Resetn == 0) Q <= 0; else Q <= D; endmodule

10 D Flip-Flop with (Synchronous) Reset
module flipflop_sr (D, Clock, Resetn, Q); input D, Clock, Resetn; output reg Q; Clock) if (Resetn == 0) Q <= 0; else Q <= D; endmodule

11 Takeaway So Far … Expressing Combinational or Sequential circuits using Procedural Statements: Remember THREE patterns (discussed in the next 3-slides) Purely based on observation and experience Not part of IEEE standard (not at all) Books might not preach that!

12 Three Patterns To Remember - 1
Simulation – outputs are re-evaluated anytime a signal in the sensitivity list changes Synthesis – The synthesized block’s output may only change when a change occurs on one of the sensitivity list signals 1. Combinational Logic: Outputs may change when ANY inputs change Include all input signals in the sensitivity list always(in1, in2, in3) in1 Combinational Logic out in2 in3

13 Three Patterns To Remember - 2
Simulation – Outputs are re-evaluated anytime a signal in the sensitivity list changes Synthesis – The synthesized block’s output may only change when a change occurs on one of the sensitivity list signals 2. Sequential Logic with Synchronous Reset: Outputs may change ONLY when clock changes Only the clock signal goes in the sensitivity list always(CLK) D Q RST D Reset CLK Q Synchronous Reset

14 Three Patterns To Remember -3
Simulation – Outputs are re-evaluated anytime a signal in the sensitivity list changes Synthesis – The synthesized block’s output may only change when a change occurs on one of the sensitivity list signals 3. Sequential Logic with Asynchronous Reset: Outputs may change when clock changes or when reset changes The clock and reset signals go in the sensitivity list always(CLK, RESET) D Q RST D Reset CLK Q ASynchronous Reset

15 Review: Flip-flop and Register
A flip-flop stores one bit of information. When a set of n flip-flops is used to store n bits of information, such as an n-bit number, we refer to these flip-flops as a register. A common clock is used for each flip-flop in a register, and each flip-flop operates as described in the previously. The term register is merely a convenience for referring to n-bit structures consisting of flip-flops.

16 Registers module reg4 (D, Clock, Resetn, Q); input [3:0] D;
A 4-bit register with asynchronous clear module reg4 (D, Clock, Resetn, Q); input [3:0] D; input Clock, Resetn; output reg [3:0] Q; Clock, negedge Resetn) if (Resetn == 0) Q <= 4'b0000; else Q <= D; endmodule

17 Modeling Finite State Machines

18 General Model of a Digital System
DATAPATH – Collection of functional units that process data Functional units are ultimately implemented as combinational and sequential logic CONTROLLER – Coordinates the operations in the datapath (Usually a Finite State Machine) Controller System Control Inputs System Control Outputs Datapath Control Signals Datapath Status Signals System Data Inputs Datapath System Data Outputs

19 Review: Moore vs Mealy Which is a Moore FSM and which is Mealy FSM?
State INPUTS / Next State Combinational Logic Output Combinational / Logic D Q D Q / D Q / OUTPUTS / State INPUTS Next State Combinational Logic Output Combinational / Logic / D Q / D Q D Q / OUTPUTS /

20 Review: Moore Finite State Machine
Output signals depend only on the current state Also, observe the THREE distinct parts State INPUTS / Next State Combinational Logic Output Combinational / Logic D Q / D Q D Q / OUTPUTS / Example State Diagram of a Moore FSM A = 0 A = 0 A = 0 A = 1 SA [F = 0] SB [F = 1] A = 1 SC [F = 1] SD [F = 0] A = 0 A = 1 A = 1 FSM A F

21 Review: Mealy Finite State Machine
Output signals depend on both current state and current inputs Also, observe the THREE distinct parts State INPUTS Output Combinational / Logic / Next State Combinational Logic D Q / D Q D Q / OUTPUTS /

22 Moore-type FSM Example
Let’s Work through a Simple Moore-type FSM Example 3-states FSM Input = w Output = z

23 Recipe for Describing FSM in Verilog
Define the state codes as parameters to list all states from your state diagram. Declare a reg [log2(num states) wide] to store the current state (flip-flops) and next state. Next-state logic: Write one always block to specify the values that next state should have for each value of present state: This is a combinational process (Type-1) Inputs are the current_state (outputs from the first process), and FSM Inputs Use CASE to specify next state Outputs are the FSM outputs Present-state Advancement: Write second always block which specifies that present state is assigned the value of next state on the positive clock edge: This is a sequential process (Type 2 or 3) Inputs to this always block are clock and async reset (if any) Output is the current state signal Output Logic: Write a third always block (optional) that drives the output based on present state (and input in case of Mealy). This is a combinational process (Type-1). Alternatively, can be modeled through continuous statements.

24 1 2 3 4 5 module moore (Clock, w, Resetn, z); input Clock, w, Resetn;
output z; parameter A = 2'b00, B = 2'b01, C = 2'b10; reg [1:0] p_state, n_state; p_state) begin case (p_state) A: if (w = = 0) n_state = A; else n_state = B; B: if (w = = 0) n_state = A; else n_state = C; C: if (w = = 0) n_state = A; default: n_state = 2'bxx; endcase end Clock, negedge Resetn) if (Resetn = = 0) p_state <= A; else p_state <= n_state; assign z = (p_state = = C); endmodule  1 2 3 4 5


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