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Figure 31.1 Figure 31.1 How do plants detect light?

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1 Figure 31.1 Figure 31.1 How do plants detect light?

2 Figure 31.UN02 Figure 31.UN02 Summary of key concepts: plant hormones 2

3 Results Shaded side Control Light Illuminated side Boysen-Jensen Light
Figure 31.2 Results Shaded side Control Light Illuminated side Boysen-Jensen Light Darwin and Darwin Gelatin (permeable) Mica (impermeable) Figure 31.2 Inquiry: What part of a grass coleoptile senses light, and how is the signal transmitted? Light Opaque shield over curvature Trans- parent cap Tip removed Opaque cap

4 4 3 H 2 H H H H H H H 1 ATP H 5
Figure 31.5 CELL WALL 4 Cell wall-loosening enzymes cleave cross-linking polysaccharides. 3 Low pH activates expansins. H2O Cell wall H Plasma membrane 2 Acidity increases. H H H H H H H Figure 31.5 Cell elongation in response to auxin: the acid growth hypothesis 1 Proton pump activity increases. Nucleus Cytoplasm Plasma membrane Vacuole ATP H 5 Sliding cellulose microfibrils allow cell to elongate. CYTOPLASM 4

5 Sliding cellulose microfibrils allow cell to elongate.
Figure 31.5b H2O Cell wall Plasma membrane Figure 31.5b Cell elongation in response to auxin: the acid growth hypothesis (part 2: cell elongation) Nucleus Cytoplasm Vacuole 5 Sliding cellulose microfibrils allow cell to elongate. 5

6 vine (left) and gibberellin- treated vine (right)
Figure 31.6 Grapes from control vine (left) and gibberellin- treated vine (right) Figure 31.6 Effects of gibberellins on stem elongation and fruit growth (a) Rosette form (left) and gibberellin-induced bolting (right) 6

7 Aleurone Endosperm Water Radicle Scutellum (cotyledon) GA GA -amylase
Figure 31.7 Aleurone Endosperm -amylase Sugar GA GA Water Figure 31.7 Mobilization of nutrients by gibberellins during the germination of grain seeds such as barley Radicle Scutellum (cotyledon) 7

8 0.5 mm Protective layer Abscission layer Stem Petiole
Figure 31.10 0.5 mm Figure Abscission of a maple leaf Protective layer Abscission layer Stem Petiole 8

9 (a) Before exposure to light (b) After a week’s exposure
Figure 31.11 Figure Light-induced de-etiolation (greening) of dark-grown potatoes (a) Before exposure to light (b) After a week’s exposure to natural daylight 9

10 Phototropic effectiveness
Figure 31.12 1.0 436 nm 0.8 Refracting prism 0.6 Phototropic effectiveness 0.4 White light 0.2 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 Figure Action spectrum for blue-light-stimulated phototropism in maize coleoptiles Wavelength (nm) Light wavelengths below 500nm induce curvature. Blue light induces the most curvature of coleoptiles. 10

11 Results Red Dark Red Far-red Dark Dark (control) Red Far-red Red Dark
Figure 31.13 Results Red Dark Red Far-red Dark Dark (control) Figure Inquiry: How does the order of red and far-red illumination affect seed germination? Red Far-red Red Dark Red Far-red Red Far-red 11

12 • Inhibition of vertical growth and stimu- lation of branching
Figure 31.14 Responses to Pfr: • Seed germination • Inhibition of vertical growth and stimu- lation of branching • Setting internal clocks • Control of flowering Red light Synthesis Pr Pfr Far-red light Slow conversion in darkness (some species) Enzymatic destruction Figure Phytochrome: a molecular switching mechanism 12

13 (a) Primary root of maize bending gravitropically (LMs)
Figure 31.19 Statoliths 20 m Figure Positive gravitropism in roots: the statolith hypothesis (a) Primary root of maize bending gravitropically (LMs) (b) Statoliths settling to the lowest sides of root cap cells (LMs) 13

14 (a) Unstimulated state (leaflets spread apart)
Figure 31.21 Figure Rapid turgor movements by the sensitive plant (Mimosa pudica) Thigmomorphogenesis = changes in form in response to mechanical stimuli (a) Unstimulated state (leaflets spread apart) (b) Stimulated state (leaflets folded) 14

15 (a) Control root (aerated) (b) Experimental root (nonaerated)
Figure 31.22 Vascular cylinder Air tubes Epidermis Figure A developmental response of maize roots to flooding and oxygen deprivation 100 m 100 m (a) Control root (aerated) (b) Experimental root (nonaerated) 15

16 4 Recruitment of parasitoid wasps that lay their eggs
Figure 31.23 4 Recruitment of parasitoid wasps that lay their eggs within caterpillars 3 Synthesis and release of volatile attractants 1 Wounding 1 Chemical in saliva Figure A maize leaf “recruiting” a parasitoid wasp as a defensive response to an armyworm caterpillar, an herbivore 2 Signal transduction pathway 16

17 Infected tobacco leaf with lesions
Figure 31.24 Infected tobacco leaf with lesions Signal 4 5 6 Hypersensitive response Signal transduction pathway 3 2 Signal transduction pathway Figure Defense responses against an avirulent pathogen 7 Acquired resistance 1 R protein Avirulent pathogen Avr effector protein R-Avr recognition and hypersensitive response Systemic acquired resistance 17

18 Infected tobacco leaf with lesions
Figure 31.24b Figure 31.24b Defense responses against an avirulent pathogen (part 2: photo) Infected tobacco leaf with lesions 18

19 Table 31.1 Table 31.1 Overview of plant hormones 19

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