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The Establishment of New England

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1 The Establishment of New England

2 Puritans Protestants in England were unsatisfied with the Anglican Church (Church of England) Puritans – wanted to purify, or reform, the church - they were persecuted for their beliefs Left England to begin a new life in the New World and seek religious freedom

3 New Beginnings Landed in present day Massachusetts and founded the Massachusetts Bay Colony The Puritans formed a “covenant community” (agreement with God) that was based on religious laws – they were often intolerant of those who did not share their religious beliefs Practiced a form of direct democracy through town meetings

4 Massachusetts Bay Colony
The Puritans were led by a man named John Winthrop, who was governor of the Massachusetts Bay Colony for 12 years He helped institute a government and lifestyle that was deeply conservative and religious Those who could not follow these religious laws were kicked out of the colony


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