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National Animal Identification System
Good morning. It’s a pleasure to be with you today, and to have a chance to give you an update on the great year that we’ve had with our animal identification program. We have made some wonderful progress with the National Animal Identification System (NAIS) since I was with you last year at the ID/INFO EXPO in Chicago. Dr. John R. Clifford Deputy Administrator Veterinary Services
NAIS Objectives Program will enhance U.S. efforts to respond to outbreaks, quickly and effectively Determining locations of potentially exposed locations and animals as quickly as possible Determine size and scope of outbreak Determine source Timely response reduces spread and impact It’s always good to keep our objectives in mind when we’re tracking progress. Animal health is the focus of the NAIS. The program will enhance U.S. efforts to respond to intentionally or unintentionally introduced animal disease outbreaks more quickly and effectively. When an animal disease is detected, three key questions are raised, “Where has the infected animal been?”; “What other animals have been exposed?”; and “What additional premises and animals are at risk of exposure?” Answering these questions about potentially exposed locations and animals in as timely a manner as possible is critical in determining the size and scope of the outbreak. The more quickly this can be done, the less the disease will spread, and the less impact the outbreak will have. Answering these questions will also help animal health officials determine the source of the outbreak, which will facilitate an effective emergency response. In terms of addressing outbreaks of animal diseases, time is the enemy. While we have existing animal ID programs for some animals, as well as some traceback capabilities, we need to enhance our capabilities to respond in a more timely manner.
Potential Diseases of Concern
In recent years, APHIS and States has addressed: Exotic Newcastle disease Vesicular stomatitis Avian influenza Epidemiological investigations to trace animals of interest for BSE Bottom line: we need a system that enables State and Federal animal health officials to address existing diseases, FADs, and emerging domestic diseases In recent years, APHIS has successfully addressed outbreaks of diseases such as: - Exotic Newcastle disease - Vesicular stomatitis - Avian Influenza In addition, APHIS has been involved in epidemiological investigations to trace animals of interest in response to 2 detections of bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) in domestic animals over this past year. Having the ability to locate animals and premises of concern is vital in our role as an emergency response organization. Bottom line – we need a system that will enable State and Federal animal health officials to respond rapidly and effectively to animal health emergencies such as outbreaks of existing diseases, foreign animal diseases, or emerging domestic diseases with significant economic, social, or public health consequences.
Support Existing Control and Eradication Programs
NAIS will also support ongoing control and eradication programs Scrapie Bovine tuberculosis Johnes Brucellosis NAIS will be critical to complete disease eradication programs While the NAIS will provide the necessary response to an outbreak of a foreign animal disease, we need animal ID to support ongoing animal disease monitoring, surveillance, detection, and response capabilities in order to complete current eradication programs. Examples of such diseases include: Scrapie Bovine tuberculosis Johnes Brucellosis The NAIS will be critical as USDA, States, and industry work to complete the disease eradication programs in which we have invested many years and millions of dollars.
These next 2 slides demonstrate some of the scope involved during animal health incidents and epidemiological investigations. This slide illustrates the number of source herds that could be involved in a single incident of bovine tuberculosis in a dairy herd. Each box you see on the screen represents a particular herd or cattle dealer that supplied cattle to an infected dairy herd, which is represented by the yellow circle in the center. 5
This slide shows the subsequent movement of exposed cattle from the infected dairy herd to other premises before the infection was detected. As you can see from this example, numerous herds, animals, and premises spread over a wide geographic area can be involved in even a single incident of animal disease. Having the ability to quickly and accurately locate potentially exposed premises and animals is vital to APHIS’ ability to respond effectively and quickly to animal disease. 6
Benefits to Producers and Animal Owners
More timely response = benefits to producers Smaller quarantine zones, less intrusion Movement restrictions lifted sooner Healthy animals boost consumer confidence Even access to markets – domestic and international Recreational animals resume movement NAIS will help uphold U.S. reputation for healthy animals In addition to the enhancements to Federal and State emergency response capabilities, the NAIS will also provide benefits to producers and animal owners. More timely response to an animal disease outbreak will mean less spread and impact of the disease. Producers and owners of animals benefit by: smaller quarantine zones, less intrusion (testing of animals or even animals being euthanized) having quarantines and movement restrictions lifted sooner healthy animals instill consumer confidence in our animal food products, which has a direct effect on market demand, both domestically and internationally even access to markets, both domestically and internationally. While the United States does not export the same percent of their production as do some other countries, Canada and Australia for example, we must not overlook the affect international markets have on the value of our products owners of horses and others that have animals for recreation or sporting activities will have the opportunity to resume the movement of their animals The NAIS will also help uphold the reputation, both domestically and internationally, of the United States as having healthy animals.
Status of the NAIS: Premises ID
50 States, 2 Territories, 5 Tribes operational Over 293,000 premises registered! Over 4,000 registered this past week! Premises registration, the foundation of NAIS, is critical to rapidly detecting and evaluating the scope of animal disease outbreaks, controlling emergency program budgets, and improving emergency response efficiency. All 50 States, 2 U.S. Territories, and 5 Tribes participating in the NAIS have been doing an outstanding job registering premises nationwide. To date, more than 293,000 premises have been registered! The rate at which premises are being registered is a positive indication of the programs success as more than 4,000 premises were registered this past week. Many thanks to all of the groups that have been working so hard to increase premises registration in your States.
Status of the NAIS: Premises ID
Nationwide premises registration data saves: Manpower Time Logistical support Premises registration provides States with the ability to alert animal owners with early information about precautions to take to limit disease spread The availability of nationwide premises registration data saves manpower, time, and logistical support. Having the ability to plot locations within a radius of an infected premises helps determine the potential magnitude of contagious disease and the resources that are needed to contain it. This can only be done if the infected premises and other premises in the area are registered prior to the outbreak. Premises registration information provides the ability for State animal health authorities to alert animal owners with early information about precautions to take to protect their animals and limit disease spread. For instance, during a recent West Nile virus incident in Wisconsin, the State animal health authority was able to contact horse owners to alert them and provide them with information about how to protect their animals. Horse owners participating in the NAIS were able to receive the information before the information was available via the media. Thus, premises information alone, even without animal movement information, is of critical importance to our agency’s prime objective of protecting American agriculture.
Premises Identification: Who should participate?
USDA encourages all livestock and poultry owners to register their premises Voluntary premises registration does not obligate producers to participate in identification or tracking components Premises registration free in all States Given the importance of premises registration information for emergency response and traceback activities, USDA encourages all owners of animals covered by the NAIS to register their premises. All livestock and poultry owners should register their premises with the animal health authority in their State, regardless of the size of their operations or the number of animals present at the facility. Voluntary registration of premises does not obligate producers to identify their animals or to report the premises-to-premises movement of their animals. In all States, premises registration is currently free.
Status of the NAIS: Animal ID
AIN Tag Visual tag is the official identifier Supplemental identifier is optional Use of AIN tags with other types of ID for other species to be considered as WGs finalize recommendations NAIS now has authorized AIN tag manufacturers! USDA is also moving forward with the second component of this voluntary program – animal identification. The initial implementation of animal identification focuses on livestock that utilize visual identification tags (for example, cattle). USDA has also provided an option for supplemental identification to support the integration of technology that enhances the utility of the animal identification number (AIN) tag. For producers who choose to use supplemental identification, the visual tag is the official identifier. The use of the AIN with other types of identification devices for other species will be considered as the NAIS Species Working Groups finalize their recommendations. The Equine Species Working Group, for example, has recommended injectable transponders that are ISO compliant. Manufacturers of such devices will be able to apply to USDA in the near future to have those devices evaluated for use as official identification devices in the NAIS. Several companies have submitted applications to USDA to become authorized AIN tag manufacturers with the NAIS. I’m pleased to report that we now have 2 authorized AIN tag manufacturers – Destron/Digital Angel and Allflex. The NAIS staff continues to evaluate additional applications, and I’m sure additional manufacturers will be participating in the near future.
Animal ID: Which animals should be identified in the NAIS?
Need for animal identification directly associated with reporting of animal movements Animals engaged in “reportable” movements should be identified before they leave premises of origin Animals that do not leave premises do not need ID Defining which animals need to be identified is directly associated with the reporting of animal movements. Basically, when the reporting of an animal movement is warranted and/or there is a need for a health certificate, the identification of the animal is necessary before the animal leaves its premises of origin. Not every animal needs to be identified; in particular, those that do not leave one’s premises do not need to be identified. For example, animals that are raised for a family’s own consumption.
Status of the NAIS: Animal Tracking
Industry/States to manage ATDs USDA developing ATPS to work with multiple ATDs Authorized State and Federal animal health officials utilize ATPS to submit queries to the ATDs for information in certain situations: Confirmed positive test for FAD Animal disease emergency Conducting traceback or trace forward The third component of the voluntary program – animal tracking – is currently under development. Industry, through private systems, and States will manage the animal tracking databases (ATDs) that maintain the movement records of animals. These information systems will provide the locations of a subject animal and the records of other animals that the subject animal came into contact with at each premises. USDA is developing a single portal, referred to as the Animal Trace Processing System (ATPS) will allow authorized State and Federal animal health officials to request information from the administrators of the ATDs in certain situations: A confirmed positive test for a foreign animal disease. An animal disease emergency as determined by the Secretary of Agriculture and/or State Departments of Agriculture. The need to conduct a traceback or trace forward to determine the origin of infection for a program disease (brucellosis, tuberculosis, etc.).
Animal Tracking Private/State Databases
Interim/Development Phase USDA evaluating systems Organizations with systems that meet interim requirements may enter into agreement with USDA Collaborate to define full IT requirements June 2006 – early 2007 It remains our goal to ensure that the privatization of the animal movement tracking databases progresses in as timely a manner as possible. USDA is currently involved in the Interim/Development phase that is allowing interested organizations to become involved this year. 18 organizations have requested USDA evaluations of their systems for consideration. For systems that meet the interim requirements, the organizations may elect to participate in an interim cooperative agreement with USDA. To date, USDA has approved one organization as an interim ATD for the interim/development phase. USDA is continuing evaluations of other systems, and I anticipate that other organizations will be approved in the near future. Throughout the Interim/Development Phase, USDA will continue to design, develop, and implement the ATPS. USDA will work with participants in the interim/development phase throughout 2006 to develop the complete requirements for the integration of private and State animal tracking databases with the NAIS. It is anticipated that the requirements for compliance will be completed by late 2006, and the actual integration of such systems with the ATPS is targeted for early 2007. Rich Baca will provide a more in-depth presentation on the progress of this effort to date as well as the technical aspects of the ATPS and its communication with the ATDs.
Animal Tracking: What is “reportable”?
Reportable movements = movements with high impact potential for disease spread Species Working Groups developing recommendations for specific types of movement that pose disease risk for each species Since the NAIS focuses on animal health, all of the components of the program, including animal tracking, are also concentrated on addressing animal health and disease issues. Recording all animal movements would not be practical, nor is it the intention of the NAIS. Reportable movements under the NAIS would include movements with a high potential for disease transmission (for example, movements where animals commingle with other animals) and that would produce a more significant impact on the further spread of that disease. For example, livestock moved from a farm to a State or national exhibition will commingle with a large number of animals from many different sources and from great distances. Once the animals leave the State or national exhibition, they will be returning to many different locations spread over a much wider geographic area than animals involved in a local or country fair would. Thus, the impact of this movement on the spread of disease will be greater because the geographic spread for premises of origin is wider, so the spread of disease would affect a wider population of animals. These types of “high-impact” movements will be the priority to report. By recording the movement of animals as they come in contact with other animals, animal health officials will be able to quickly identify exposed animals and stop the spread of disease. There are a number of factors that can influence whether an animal movement activity may pose a disease risk. Certainly, some events pose greater risk of disease transmission than others. The number of animals, their source(s), the location of the event, and the health status and certification of the animals, for example, all influence the degree of disease risk in a given situation. State and Federal animal health officials are working with the NAIS Species Working Groups to develop recommendations for the specific types of movement that may pose a disease risk for each species and should be reported.
Animal Tracking: Non-reportable movements
Some movements do not need to be reported: Pasture to pasture movement within a premises Animals that “get out” Movement to custom slaughter for personal consumption Local movement for recreational purposes (e.g. trail ride) Exhibition in local shows, parades, or fairs The following movements would have less impact with regard to the spread of a disease, thus, reporting these movements to an ATD is not as important. In other words, these movements are not considered “reportable” movements. - Movement from pasture to pasture within a premises - Movement of animals that “get out” - Movement to custom slaughter intended for personal consumption - If a person only allows an animal to leave the premises for recreational purposes locally, such as trail rides, provided that the animal is permanently cared for at the premises of its birth, this animal and its movements do not need to be identified and reported - Movement of animals for exhibition in local shows, parades, or fairs do not need to be identified. It would be unnecessary from a disease standpoint to report all movements in such “low-impact” situations.
Future of the NAIS Build on the progress we’ve already made – especially in premises and animal identification Progress in a timely manner Work together to achieve goals Now that I’ve updated you on some of the progress we’ve made with the program over this past year, I’d like to talk a little about the future of the NAIS. It’s important that we build on the progress we’ve already made, especially in the areas of premises identification and animal identification, since those components alone provide great value for disease traceback capability. We do understand that we need to keep moving forward with the NAIS in a timely manner. The NAIS is definitely a cooperative program. We need your continued support and cooperation to make this work and to achieve the goals of the program. I’d like to talk for a couple minutes about where we see the NAIS going in the future.
Implementation Plan Move forward through a voluntary program
Producers test and recommend most practical solutions Market drivers (age, source, and process verification) High level of participation is necessary to achieve successful animal disease program It’s always important to remember that the NAIS is a voluntary program. Producers and other stakeholders have the opportunity now to help shape the system and give us feedback about how the system would work best for them. Market demands (age, source and process verification, traceability, etc.) are becoming of greater importance for certain species and could become a primary “driver” for achieving a successful level of participation in the NAIS. Allowing market forces and industry needs to drive producer participation in the NAIS is preferable to mandatory Federal regulations. Producers and affected industry segments will need to participate in NAIS for it to be successful in supporting the animal disease management programs.
Implementation Plan Operational Milestones Fully operational systems
August 2005: Premises registration operational April 2006: AIN Management System June 2006: Interim phase for ATDs February 2007: Private/State ATDs and ATPS operational The information presented here summarizes USDA estimates of the key operational milestones. The chart illustrates the timelines for the implementation plan for the NAIS. As you can see from the chart, we’ve already achieved several important operational milestones. Premises registration and the AIN Management System are both up and running, and we’re currently entering into cooperative agreements with ATDs. In the near future, USDA plans to move forward aggressively with premises identification and animal identification, since these components alone provide a strong foundation for enhanced emergency response capacities. As for the animal tracking component, USDA will continue to work closely with the species working groups to determine the most practical solutions and guidance for the reporting of animal movements for the various species.
Confidentiality USDA APHIS Policy: Protect individuals’ confidential information in accordance with FOIA Privacy Act: Protects personal information collected, maintained, and disseminated by any Federal government entity One last note as we move forward with the program. Many producers have expressed concerns over the confidentiality of their information and about USDA’s ability to protect that information. USDA’s policy is to protect individuals’ confidential personal information in accordance with the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). In fulfilling its obligations under the FOIA, USDA strives to ensure the protection of confidential information that is exempt from disclosure under the law’s 9 statutory exemptions. USDA has already denied requests for such information, based on these grounds. The Privacy Act is a law passed by the Congress in 1974 for the purpose of protecting, through regulation, personal information that is collected, maintained, and disseminated by any Federal government entity. The Act protects the information of individuals who are either United States citizens or aliens lawfully admitted for permanent residence. USDA continues to carefully consider what actions are necessary to ensure privacy protection is afforded to NAIS participants.
Thank You! Thank you for your support of the NAIS.
As we move forward with development and implementation, cooperative efforts among industry, State, and Federal agencies remain essential to ensure the most effective NAIS possible evolves, which, in turn, will bolster our safeguarding and surveillance capabilities as we strive to protect the health of U.S. animals. We would not be where we are today without your support.
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