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Resilience Narrative Warm-Up

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Presentation on theme: "Resilience Narrative Warm-Up"— Presentation transcript:

1 Resilience Narrative Warm-Up
Write about a time when you had to be resilient ? How did you stay strong ? What did you learn?

2 Resilience Narrative Assignment
Completion Order Peer Editing Rough Draft –Completed on 3/6 Peer Editing Final Draft – Completed on 3/8 Feather Circle Share Out- 3/9 This is an IN CLASS ASSIGNMENT. NO EXCEPTION– Yes, not even for YOU. Is silent- No talking. All communication needs to be done with paper and pen giving feedback on the checklist provided and student’s actual paper Is helpful- Be sure to give constructive feedback to others. Remember to communicate clearly and scholarly. “ Do unto others as you would have them do unto you”. If you would want some one to give you helpful feedback, then be sure to give that to your peers.

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