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The Cold War Divides the World HSCE 8.1.1Ch. 33 sec. 4

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1 The Cold War Divides the World HSCE 8.1.1Ch. 33 sec. 4
*After WWII, world nations are divided into 3 worlds --1st –industrialized capitalist nations (US & Allies) --2nd—Communist nations led by USSR --3rd—Third World—developing nations, newly independent, not aligned with a superpower---- *3rd World countries were areas of competition for Cold War superpowers. --located in Latin America, Asia, Africa --economically poor & politically unstable --suffered ethnic conflicts --lack of technology & education


3 USA & Soviet Union Strategies
*Cold War powers used 3rd World to get ahead of the other. --each side back wars of revolution, liberation, counterrevolution --CIA & KGB = did secret operations—spying & assassination attempts --USA gave military aid, built schools, fought poverty, sent workers (Peace Corps) --USSR gave military & tech. help (India & Egypt) *Many countries wanted neutrality---nonaligned nations (India & Indonesia)

4 Confrontations in Latin America
*Huge gap btwn. rich & poor in LA---they wanted aid from both superpowers --govts. shifted btwn. democracy and dictatorships --Communists backed the workers and revolutionaries *1950s—Cuba is ruled by a dictator—young guy leads a revolution in Cuba --Fidel Castro---brought social reforms and improved the economy…….but….. ---he became a HARSH dictator!—suspended elections, jailed or killed his opponents, controlled the press --he took over U.S. owned sugar mills! Eisenhower issued an embargo……so…..Cuba turned to……? *CIA invade Cuba to overthrow Castro, but fail = Bay of Pigs Invasion

5 *Cuban Missile Crisis---After BOP, Soviets start building missiles in Cuba—USA flips out
--U.S. & USSR come very close to nuclear war! --Castro NOW becomes excusively dependent on Soviet Union & the U.S. has had an embargo against Cuba ever since. *Middle East---Muslims love $$ from oil, but hate the Western influence --Iran---W/ the help of U.S. the shah of Iran turned his country into a Western city----Muslim conseravatives hated him for it. -1979—Islamic purists force shah to leave & return Iran to a militant, strict Islamic state. --Ayatollah Khomeni---hated the U.S.—took hostages in ’79—released in 1981—encouraged Muslims to overthrow their govt. and become strict Islamic

6 **Soviet Satellite Nations Revolt!
*Hungary * Czechoslovakia tried to revolt against the USSR and demand freedom…… Soviet Union just invaded them, took over the government, and ruled harshly!

7 *Afghanistan---1950’s—Soviet influence in Afghan.
--1970’s—Muslim revolt threatened Soviet’s hold—1979—Soviets invade Afghan….. --Soviet Vietnam----USSR thought it would be easy & quick, but Afghanis were tough to beat and kill, like Vietcong --USA trains & supplies the Afghan rebels----U.S. did not want Soviets to threaten middle eastern oil supplies --We wanted Soviets out and stopped trading with the Soviets Soviets withdraw, totally defeated……

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