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Writing the Proposal Folio.

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Presentation on theme: "Writing the Proposal Folio."— Presentation transcript:

1 Writing the Proposal Folio

2 Area of Research This is where you state what your topic is and any relevant background.

3 Background to choice This is where you discuss how you selected your topic. What motivated you to choose it? Make personal connections here. NOTE: Use some of your Journal entries to help you.

4 Planned research processes
Write about the research processes you plan to use throughout your research. Try to use the words – valid/validity, reliable, manageable, ethical in your writing in this section. Be specific! If you know a particular book that you will use, or a potential interview –include this. Also be specific about what type of websites you think you will use. Remember to include comments about why these processes will be helpful.

5 Ethical Issues You need to mention any ethical issues you will face during your research. This shows your understanding of ethical research in relation to your topic. As well as listing these issues, you need to mention how you plan to resolve/deal with them.

6 Time management List strategies that will help YOU stay on track and meet your deadlines. Personalise this – identify YOUR strategies

7 Capabilities Indicate the one or two Capabilities you are going to develop Briefly explain how they are relevant to your topic/question.

8 Research Outcome Briefly explain your current thinking about the presentation of your Research Outcome, and why this is the most effective mode to use. It doesn’t matter if this changes later on – this is a Proposal!

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