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Healthcare Science Apprenticeships - Level 2 & Level 4 Task and Finish Group
Purpose of Task and Finish Group
Discuss Level 2 and Level 4 Healthcare Science Apprenticeships: Delivery – How standards work and our interpretation of the Healthcare Science standards Relevance – What roles do we want them to underpin/shape Building our programmes – creating the units required for key specialties Commissioning a delivery partner – agreeing how we want to structure the delivery Explain how the programme came about – funding The current preceptorship competency packs seem to include a mix of clinical and personal development competencies, with only implied / assumed patient care competencies. The programme is designed to capture the full role and show how the Preceptee meets their responsibilities and the NMC code of practice which focuses heavily on patient care. The customer service apprenticeship looks at both internal and external customers and so gives the Preceptee the skills and behaviours needed to deliver a full range of customer service. When we presented this to the Matrons and Assistant directors of nursing they thought it was a good idea and also wanted us to ensure skills and behaviours covered all colleagues as well as customers.
Apprenticeships – quick reminder
Vocationally-based delivery of learning 20% of time dedicated to on and “off the job” learning However…… Apprenticeships require people to demonstrate they have learnt new skills “on the job” to enhance the delivery of the role So in the new world, “Off the job” training is in fact “ON THE JOB” learning of new skills not more classroom time vocational / competence based assessment independently verified Aimed at existing and new-hire employees Designed by employers for employers Focus on the acquisition of skills needed for the role not just academic knowledge Should be used to support CWD/CPD between Bands 1-8
Apprenticeship Standard
Delivery Methodology – Knowledge and skills framework Common Structure to Apprenticeships: Apprenticeship Standard NVQ Competence Based Behaviour and attitudes Knowledge and Skills Functional Skills Qualifications (English, Maths, IT) End point assessment Showcase Professional discussion Observation
Healthcare Sciences – key phrases
Learners will work towards their qualifications primarily in the workplace HEI’s can offer these qualifications as long as they have access to the appropriate physical and human resources Guided learning hours relate to activities that are directly or immediately involve tutors and assessors in teaching, supervising and invigilating learners Key action-orientated words/phrases from the standard: Be able to demonstrate…… Be able to participate….. Be able to perform…… Be able to work with/use… Be able to give…. Be able to apply/measure…. Knowledge-orientated words/phrases from the standard, which can be achieved through practice: Understand the use….. Understand how to deal…. Understand the principles of….. Understand the terminology….. Understand the range of procedures
Healthcare Sciences Level 2
For discussion with the group: Which is the preferred qualification: Healthcare Sciences Level 2 or Healthcare Support Worker Level 2
Healthcare Science Level 4
Total Qualification Time : 1000 Guided Learning Hours (GLH)* : 686 Approx. equivalent weekly time allowance for learning: 7.14hrs = 20% per week Total Credits: 100 Assessment : Portfolio of evidence Requirements Number Number of mandatory credits that must be achieved 37 Minimum number of credits that must be achieved at Level 4 or above 51 Number of optional credits that must be achieved 63 Minimum credit target 100
Level 4 Mandatory Units (37 credits)
Unit number Mandatory units – Group A Level Credit Guided learning hours 1 Skills for Lifelong Learning 4 2 16 Professional Practice and Person-centred Care 5 40 3 Legal and Ethical Context of Practice 24 Health, Safety and Security in the Healthcare Science Environment 25 Technical Scientific Services 6 Effective Communication in Healthcare 35 7 Audit, Research, Development and Innovation 20 8 Leadership and Teamwork 9 Teaching, Learning and Assessing Practical Skills 32 10 Continuing Personal and Professional Development Please note that there are some mandatory/required unit combinations in the structure. Please individual units for details.
Relevance – roles the apprenticeship will support
Target roles – Bands 1-4 Speciality split – generalist knowledge vs specialist
Building the units Agree specialities to be developed
Develop first draft of units Discuss and recommend: Classroom Workplace Combination Scope requirements from a delivery partner
Commissioning a partner
Regional employer-led commission? Local Trust-led commissioning? HEI’s? Trusts? Both??
Next Steps Task & Finish Group: level 2
Look at specification required for Healthcare Science Task and Finish Group: level 4 Mandatory Units Look at delivery model and mode of delivery Option to be led by HSST trainee Task and Finish Group: level 4 Specialisms What units are required for what specialties Delivery? * Use existing HEE statistics to determine ‘specialty’ and learning need.
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