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Developing writing skills

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Presentation on theme: "Developing writing skills"— Presentation transcript:

1 Developing writing skills

2 Overview What do we write? Why? How is writing different to speaking?
Purpose, audience and genre What sub-skills are involved? Process and product approaches Stages in a writing lesson Assessment of writing Ask Ts to list everything they have written (non-school stuff) in the last week – then explain why they wrote, who to, etc.

3 What have you written recently? Why? Who to?
Purpose Audience In/formality One list for each group, feedback

4 Text types Emails Letters Stories Poems Guides, instructions Lists
Notes Applications/form-filling Messages (inc. texts)

5 Why is writing difficult?
It is often formal, carefully organised It forces students to reveal themselves: it is permanent and public The student must consider the audience Ambiguity cannot be clarified: delayed feedback, if any Absence of negotiation or communicative strategies Script (for non-Romance language students) Compare writing & speaking as go through this

6 Writing sub-skills Script Spelling Punctuation Vocabulary Grammar Organisation Coherence/cohesion Style (for students with a different script): letter formation, direction, spacing

7 Process and Product approaches
Use w/sheet 1

8 Stages in a process approach
Introduction: create motivation and interest via visuals, texts, discussion Analyse the task: genre, purpose, audience Generate ideas: brainstorming, creating content Organise into paragraphs consistent with task Draft paragraphs consistent with 2 above Exchange drafts for peer feedback on content and language Re-draft, edit, final text



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