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Primary & Secondary Hazards associated with Earthquakes and Volcanoes

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Presentation on theme: "Primary & Secondary Hazards associated with Earthquakes and Volcanoes"— Presentation transcript:

1 Primary & Secondary Hazards associated with Earthquakes and Volcanoes
Primary Hazard Secondary Hazard Crustal Fracturing Ground shaking Liquefaction Landslides Tsunami Aftershocks Lava flow Pyroclastic flow Ash fall Gas eruption Lahar Jokulhaup For each of the tectonic hazards listed above write a short paragraph explaining the nature of the hazard. A photograph of each hazard would help you visualise the hazard impact. You should also use a located example of each hazard and use some figures to illustrate the loss of life/extent of damage associated with the event. There are some notable examples you may use for some of these hazards: Liquefaction: Loma Prieta Landslides: Sichuan Tsunami: Boxing Day 2004 Lava flow: Nyiragongo Pyro flow: Chances Peak/Mt St Helens Ash fall: Eyjafjallajokull Gas eruption: Lake Nyos Lahar: Nevado del Ruiz Jokulhaup: Grimsvotn

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