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Budgets & Fundraising David McCampbell District Administrator

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Presentation on theme: "Budgets & Fundraising David McCampbell District Administrator"— Presentation transcript:

1 Budgets & Fundraising David McCampbell District Administrator
The Florida District of Key Club International, Inc. K E Y C L U B Budgets & Fundraising David McCampbell District Administrator

2 What is a budget? K E Y C L U B
The Florida District of Key Club International, Inc. K E Y C L U B What is a budget?

3 Plan for Income & Expense
The Florida District of Key Club International, Inc. K E Y C L U B What is a budget? Plan for Income & Expense

4 Why plan for income and expense?
The Florida District of Key Club International, Inc. K E Y C L U B Why plan for income and expense?

5 Why plan for income and expense?
The Florida District of Key Club International, Inc. K E Y C L U B Why plan for income and expense? Know where you are going to know how to get there

6 Why plan for income and expense?
The Florida District of Key Club International, Inc. K E Y C L U B Why plan for income and expense? Know where you are going to know how to get there Required for success meeting objectives

7 Why plan for income and expense?
The Florida District of Key Club International, Inc. K E Y C L U B Why plan for income and expense? Know where you are going to know how to get there Required for success meeting objectives Check your progress

8 Why plan for income and expen$e?
The Florida District of Key Club International, Inc. K E Y C L U B Why plan for income and expen$e? Know where you are going to know how to get there Required for $ucce$$ meeting objective$ Check your progre$$ BUDGET$ = $UCCE$$

9 Components of a Budget List Sources of INCOME List of Your EXPENSES
The Florida District of Key Club International, Inc. K E Y C L U B Components of a Budget List Sources of INCOME List of Your EXPENSES Net of Income & Expense

10 Income Portion of Budget
The Florida District of Key Club International, Inc. K E Y C L U B Income Portion of Budget

11 Expense Portion of Budget
The Florida District of Key Club International, Inc. K E Y C L U B Expense Portion of Budget

12 Ready to . . . Fund Rai$e? K E Y C L U B
The Florida District of Key Club International, Inc. K E Y C L U B Ready to Fund Rai$e?

13 What Makes a Fundraising Project Successful?
The Florida District of Key Club International, Inc. K E Y C L U B What Makes a Fundraising Project Successful?

14 Tell Us About Your Fundraising Projects?
The Florida District of Key Club International, Inc. K E Y C L U B Tell Us About Your Fundraising Projects?

15 Project & Budget Resources
The Florida District of Key Club International, Inc. K E Y C L U B Project & Budget Resources Kristen Truong, District Treasurer Kiwanis club > The Eliminate Project Idea Book > Fundraising Projects (search) Advisors, Teachers, Parents ???

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