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Starter Quiz Last lesson = 1 pt Last week = 2 pt Last term = 3 pt

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Presentation on theme: "Starter Quiz Last lesson = 1 pt Last week = 2 pt Last term = 3 pt"— Presentation transcript:

1 Starter Quiz Last lesson = 1 pt Last week = 2 pt Last term = 3 pt
TASK: Grab a white board each and either copy their grid, or write down 1-9 1. Name one example of literature published in reaction to Uncle Tom’s Cabin 2. Recall one feature of the 1850 Compromise 3. Define tariff 4. What political party did David Wilmot belong to? 5. Give one fact about the author of Uncle Tom’s Cabin 6. The 1850 Fugitive Slave Law defined ‘aiding’ slaves as what? 7. Define States Rights 8. What was the Tallmadge Amendment? 9. Give one example of how southerners reacted to Uncle Tom’s Cabin Last lesson = 1 pt Last week = 2 pt Last term = 3 pt

2 Last lesson = 1 pt Last week = 2 pt Last term = 3 pt
1. Planters Northern Bride, Aunt Phillis’s Cabin OR Sword and Distaff 2. California = free state; Washington D.C. = no slave trade; new Fugitive Slave Act; Utah and New Mexico = popular Sovereignty; Texas/New Mexico boundary sorted 3. A tax on imported goods 4. Democrat 5. Harriet Beecher Stowe, Dad was a key figure in the Second Great Awakening; had not been to a plantation, lived in Ohio 6. Giving shelter and food 7. the rights and powers held by individual states rather than by the federal government 8. No slaves brought into Missouri, and children of slaves be freed at 25 9. Man thrown out of Mobile, Alabama, ear in the post, posted their own literature Give yourself a score out of 18

3 Flipped Learning Due today: 1. Your Planter’s Northern Bride Response

4 Key facts about the Kansas-Nebraska Act The causes of Bleeding Kansas
Topic: Bleeding Kansas KNOW Key facts about the Kansas-Nebraska Act EXPLAIN The causes of Bleeding Kansas EVALUATE How far Bleeding Kansas destabilised relation between the North and the South

5 On a mind map, write down as many facts about the Missouri Compromise as you can remember
Prize for the winner?

6 The Kansas–Nebraska Act (May 30, 1854), established Nebraska and Kansas as territories, and opening the area to broader settlement by whites. Question Would you expect these territories to have slavery? Why? KNOW Key facts about the Kansas-Nebraska Act EXPLAIN The causes of Bleeding Kansas EVALUATE How far Bleeding Kansas destabilised relation between the North and the South

7 Kansas-Nebraska Act Grab two colours
2. Write with one colour, write down any facts about the Kansas-Nebraska Act in your homework 3. With the second colour, writing the significance of the Kansas-Nebraska Act (what it leads to) KNOW Key facts about the Kansas-Nebraska Act EXPLAIN The causes of Bleeding Kansas EVALUATE How far Bleeding Kansas destabilised relation between the North and the South

8 Kansas-Nebraska Act Significance
Add anything you have missed below in a green pen Facts Stephen Douglas (Illinois Senator) wanted to see the development of a Midwestern Transcontinental Railroad. To do this, he needed to organise Nebraska and Kansas into territories, so that people could settle there. But, Southern Senators objected because the territory was above the 36o30 line. Therefore, Douglas proposed the Kansas-Nebraska Act: the two territories would have popular sovereignty. President Franklin Pierce gave Douglas his support. The law passed both houses of Congress. Significance Overturned the Missouri Compromise Led to ‘Bleeding Kansas’ Douglas and Lincoln aired their disagreements over the Act in seven speeches, this sets the stage for the Lincoln-Douglas debates in 1858 In part, explains the rise of the Republican Party More evidence of slave power conspiracy! Could be a threat to Northern economic interest KNOW Key facts about the Kansas-Nebraska Act EXPLAIN The causes of Bleeding Kansas EVALUATE How far Bleeding Kansas destabilised relation between the North and the South

9 Bleeding Kansas! Bleeding Kansas comes out of the Kansas-Nebraska Act. It was a series of violent confrontations in the United States between 1854 and 1861 which emerged from a political and ideological debate over the legality of slavery in the proposed state of Kansas. KNOW Key facts about the Kansas-Nebraska Act EXPLAIN The causes of Bleeding Kansas EVALUATE How far Bleeding Kansas destabilised relation between the North and the South

10 Three Types of Causes: Bleeding Kansas
Necessary Preconditions: Without these there would never have been any conflict in Kansas. They need to be in place before any of the other causes can make it more likely that a conflict will break out. Developing Causes These causes made it more likely that conflict in Kansas would break out, but they would have had no effect without the Necessary Preconditions. In some cases, without the Necessary Preconditions these causes themselves could never have happened. Trigger Causes: These are what actually resulted in conflict breaking out in Kansas. However, they could have no effect whatsoever without the previous two types of causes. In particular, the Developing Causes created the situation in which the trigger would immediately lead to conflict breaking out. KNOW Key facts about the Kansas-Nebraska Act EXPLAIN The causes of Bleeding Kansas EVALUATE How far Bleeding Kansas destabilised relation between the North and the South

11 Bleeding Kansas Necessary Preconditions: Without these there would never have been any conflict in Kansas. They need to be in place before any of the other causes can make it more likely that a conflict will break out. Developing Causes These causes made it more likely that conflict in Kansas would break out, but they would have had no effect without the Necessary Preconditions. In some cases, without the Necessary Preconditions these causes themselves could never have happened. Trigger Causes: These are what actually resulted in conflict breaking out in Kansas. However, they could have no effect whatsoever without the previous two types of causes. In particular, the Developing Causes created the situation in which the trigger would immediately lead to conflict breaking out. Using pp and your knowledge so far, to decide the necessary preconditions, developing cause and trigger cause of Bleeding Kansas. Challenge Decide the main cause of Bleeding Kansas Necessary Preconditions: Slavery, Kansas-Nebraska Act, Popular Sovereignty Developing Causes: The election for its territorial legislature and it’s problems (border ruffians from Missouri), Topeka government being established, Pierce saying its OK. Trigger cause: sack of Lawrence KNOW Key facts about the Kansas-Nebraska Act EXPLAIN The causes of Bleeding Kansas EVALUATE How far Bleeding Kansas destabilised relation between the North and the South

12 Write definitions and a criteria for this question
‘Bleeding Kansas’ was the most significant event in the de-stabilisation of relations between the North and South in the years 1850 to 1856.’ Assess the validity of this view. Bleeding Kansas Other Factors Write definitions and a criteria for this question It can be seen as the first violent actions of the Civil War. Compromise no longer seems possible. Kansas became a stage on which the wider tensions were played out The strength of reaction to events especially in the North led to a de-stabilising of relations and belief in the dangers of ‘Slave Power’. Not significant Very significant KNOW Key facts about the Kansas-Nebraska Act EXPLAIN The causes of Bleeding Kansas EVALUATE How far Bleeding Kansas destabilised relation between the North and the South

13 Flipped Learning 1. Research the 1856 election (use your textbooks!)
Who was nominated as presidential candidate by each party and why 1856 campaign 1856 result (try and get a map of the USA that shows these results) Raw votes Percentage Electoral college votes 2. Create a ‘Road to Civil War’ diagram, using the entirety of the video Include: Kansas-Nebraska Act Bleeding Kansas Dred Scott John Brown’s raid Lincoln-Douglas debates 1860 Election Secession Fort Sumter

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