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PY212 Electricity and Magnetism

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Presentation on theme: "PY212 Electricity and Magnetism"— Presentation transcript:

1 PY212 Electricity and Magnetism
I. Electrostatics

2 I-1 Electric Charge Why Electrostatics?
Demonstration of Electrostatic Effects. The Electric Charge and its Properties. The Coulomb’s Law. Some Applications of the C. L. Electric Field and Electric Intensity

3 I-2 Gauss’ Law The Electric Flux. The Gauss’ Law. The Charge Density.
Use the G. L. to calculate the field of a A Point Charge An Infinite Uniformly Charged Wire An Infinite Uniformly Charged Plane Two Infinite Charged Planes

4 I-3 Electric Potential Conservative Fields.
The Existence of the Electric Potential. Work done on Charge in Electrostatic Field. Relations of the Potential and Intensity.

5 I-4 Electric Fields Relation of the Potential and Intensity
The Gradient Electric Field Lines and Equipotential Surfaces. Motion of Charged Particles in Electrostatic Fields.

6 I-5 Special Electrostatic Fields
Electric Charge and Field in Conductors. The Field of the Electric Dipole. Behavior of E. D. in External Electric Field. Examples of Some Important Fields.

7 I-6 Capacitance and Capacitors
An Example of Storing a Charge. Capacity x Voltage = Charge. Various Types of Capacitors. Capacitors in Series. Capacitors in Parallel.

8 I-7 Electric Energy Storage and Dielectrics
Inserting a Conductor into a Capacitor. Inserting a Dielectric into a Capacitor. Microscopic Description of Dielectrics Concluding Remarks to Electrostatics.

9 Stationary Electric Currents
II. Electro-kinetics Stationary Electric Currents

10 II–1 Ohm’s Law Charges Move - Electric Currents Power Sources
The Ohm’s Law Resistance and Resistors Transfer of Charge, Energy and Power

11 II–2 Microscopic View of Electric Currents
The Resistivity and Conductivity. Conductors, Semiconductors and Insulators. The Speed of Moving Charges. The Ohm’s Law in Differential Form. The Classical Theory of Conductivity. The Temperature Dependence of Resistivity

12 II–3 DC Circuits I Resistors in Series and Parallel.
Resistor Networks. General Topology of Circuits. Kirchhoff’s Laws – Physical Meaning. The Use of the Kirchhoff’s Laws. The superposition principle. The Use of the Loop Currents Method.

13 II–4 DC Circuits II Real Power Sources.
Building DC Voltmeters and Ammeters. Using DC Voltmeters and Ammeters. Wheatstone Bridge. Charging Accumulators. The Thermocouple.

14 Fields produced mostly by moving charges acting on moving charges.
III. Magnetism Fields produced mostly by moving charges acting on moving charges.

15 III–1 Magnetic Fields Introduction into Magnetism.
Permanent Magnets and Magnetic Fields. Magnetic Induction. Electric Currents Produce Magnetic Fields. Forces on Electric Currents.

16 III–2 Magnetic Fields Due to Currents
Forces on Moving Electric Charges Biot-Savart Law Ampere’s Law. Calculation of Some Magnetic Fields.

17 III–3 Magnetic Dipoles Magnetic Dipoles
The Fields they Produce Their Behavior in External Magnetic Fields Calculation of Some Magnetic Fields Solenoid Toroid Thick Wire with Current

18 III–4 Application of Magnetic Fields
Applications of Lorentz Force Currents are Moving Charges Moving Charges in El. & Mag. Specific charge Measurements The Story of the Electron. The Mass Spectroscopy. The Hall Effect. Accelerators

19 III–5 Magnetic Properties of Materials
Introduction to Magnetic Properties Magnetism on the Microscopic Scale. Diamagnetism. Paramagnetism. Ferromagnetism.

20 IV. Electromagnetic Induction
Further relations between electric and magnetic fields

21 IV–1 Faraday’s Law Introduction into Electro-magnetism.
Faraday’s Experiment. Moving Conductive Rod. Faraday’s Law. Lenz’s Law. Examples

22 IV–2 Inductance Transporting Energy.
Counter Torque, EMF and Eddy Currents. Self Inductance Mutual Inductance

23 IV–3 Energy of Magnetic Field
Transformers Energy of Magnetic Field Energy Density of Magnetic Field An RC Circuit An RL Circuit An RLC Circuit - Oscilations

24 V. Alternating Currents
Voltages and currents may vary in time.

25 V–1 Alternating Voltages and Currents
Introduction into Alternating Currents. Mean Values Harmonic Currents. Phase Shift

26 V–2 AC Circuits Power in AC Circuits.
R, L and C in AC Circuits. Impedance. Description using Phasors. Generalized Ohm’s Law. Serial RC, RL and RLC AC Circuits. Parallel RC, RL and RLC AC Circuits. The Concept of the Resonance.

27 VI. Electromagnetic Waves
All the important physics in electromagnetism can be expressed in Maxwell’s Equations with interesting consequences.

28 VI–1 Maxwell’s Equations
Generalized Ampères Law. Maxwell’s Equations. Production of Electromagnetic Waves. Electromagnetic Waves Qualitatively.

29 VI–2 Electromagnetic Waves
Properties of Electromagnetic Waves: Relations of E and B. The speed of Light c. Energy Transport S. Radiation Pressure P.

30 Originally: Properties and Use of Light. Now: Much More General.
VII. Optics Originally: Properties and Use of Light. Now: Much More General.

31 VII–1 Introduction into Geometrical Optics
Introduction into Optics. Margins of Geometrical Optics. Fundamentals of Geometrical Optics. Ideal Optical System. Fermat’s Principle. Reflection and Reflection Optics.

32 VII–2 Basic Optical Elements and Instruments
Refraction, Dispersion and Refraction Optics. Thin Lenses. Types and Properties. Combination of Lenses. Basic Optical Instruments Human Eye Magnifying Glass Telescope Microscope

33 VII–3 Introduction into Wave Optics
Huygens’ Principle and Coherence. Interference Double Slit Thin Film Diffraction Single Slit Gratings X-Rays, Bragg Equation. Wave Limits of Geometrical Optics.

34 Maxwell’s Equations I . ^

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