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Constitutional Government

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1 Constitutional Government
Journal #6: From Lesson 1 pp. 8-10

2 What is a constitution? a plan that sets forth the structure (what parts of gov’t) and powers (what it can do and what it can’t) of the government. Can be: Written – like the USA Unwritten – like Great Britain; a collection of laws, customs, and traditions that are accepted as higher law.

3 constitutional government
a/k/a “constitutionalism” “limited government” There are things the government is not permitted to do What are some examples of things the U.S. and WA State governments cannot do?

4 the “rule of law” (p. 29) The law applies equally to everyone
No one is above the law. (Even top gov’t officials) Opposite of “rule by man”

5 How does one limit a government’s power?
Trust those with power to use it wisely? Ask nicely?

6 The Founders answer: Establish a higher (or fundamental) law that no one (and no law) may conflict with. Who gets to decide what the higher law is? Create a governmental structure that is least likely to result in the abuse of power How is our government set up to prevent abuse of power?

7 Opposite: Absolute Government
authoritarian autocratic dictatorship tyranny despotism etc. What are some examples of governments that have absolute power (or close to it)?

8 Opposite: Absolute Government
authoritarian autocratic dictatorship tyranny despotism etc.

9 Other Characteristics of higher law/constitution (according to the Founders)
The following help keep governmental power limited: Lists the basic rights of citizens/people States the responsibility of government to protect the rights of the people

10 Other Characteristics of higher law/constitution (according to the Founders)
The following help keep governmental power limited: Establishes limits on how those in government can use their power Specifies how the higher law can be changed – only with widespread agreement of the people

11 Power tends to corrupt; absolute power corrupts absolutely.”
Lord Acton

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