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Student-Directed Discovery of the Plant Microbiome and Its Products

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Presentation on theme: "Student-Directed Discovery of the Plant Microbiome and Its Products"— Presentation transcript:

1 Student-Directed Discovery of the Plant Microbiome and Its Products
by Carol A. Bascom-Slack, A. Elizabeth Arnold, and Scott A. Strobel Science Volume 338(6106): October 26, 2012 Published by AAAS

2 Research objectives.[Adapted from (5)].
Carol A. Bascom-Slack et al. Science 2012;338: Published by AAAS

3 Fieldwork.(A) Students in the field and at the bench.
Fieldwork.(A) Students in the field and at the bench. (B) Endophytic fungus emerging from a tissue segment and four representative endophyte isolates. Carol A. Bascom-Slack et al. Science 2012;338: Published by AAAS

4 Carol A. Bascom-Slack et al. Science 2012;338:485-486
Published by AAAS

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