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1st Grade Handbook ‘ Our Best Voyage Yet’ Jody Kreska Sarah LeFan

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1 1st Grade Handbook ‘ Our Best Voyage Yet’ Jody Kreska Sarah LeFan
Casey Duckworth Jody Kreska Sarah LeFan

2 Contact Information Vaughan Phone: Voic Phone: extension Website: (Select Vaughan Elementary) (voic #0947) (voic #0967) (voic #9459)

3 Our First Grade Day 8:10-Literacy Block 10:10-Recess 11:15-Lunch
11:50- math block 12:45-Recess 1:05-Science/Social Studies 2:05-Specials 3:00-Dismissal

4 Lunch Please ensure your child has money in his/her lunch account each day. Checks sent to school should include the student’s account number on them, as well as the parent’s driver's license number. Students will be given a lunch account number to use when they purchase their lunches. Please help your child practice this number at the beginning of the year. Parents are welcome to eat lunch with their children in the designated visitor section of the cafeteria.

5 Recess We will go outside every day for recess, weather permitting.
Our recess times are 10:10-10:25 and 12:45-1:00. Please dress your child appropriately for weather conditions. Make sure to write your child’s name in their jacket. Basketballs and soccer balls may be brought school for recess. Please be sure they are labeled. *Caution! We have had many soccer balls end up on the roof of the school!

6 Library First graders will check out two “big” books from the
library each week and two “readers”. Please help your child find a safe place to keep their books and return them on our library check out day the following week.

7 Communication From School
Purple Folders - Please check the folder DAILY for communication from your child’s teacher. Any notes, money, etc. should be returned in this folder. Vaughan Folder- This folder will have school flyers each Wednesday. Newsletter- A newsletter will be ed each Friday. Online Portfolio

8 Student Progress and Conferences
First graders will be administered district math and reading assessments throughout the school year and will have ongoing classroom assessments to monitor progress and to assist in the planning for instruction. Parent/teacher conferences will be scheduled for October 22nd. Parents may also request a conference throughout the year by contacting the teacher.

9 Report Cards The grading scale is- 1= not mastered 2= progressing
3= met grade level standard 4= exceeds grade level standard We will send home report cards after each nine week grading period.

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