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Physics 2113 Lecture 06 Electric Fields II Physics 2113

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1 Physics 2113 Lecture 06 Electric Fields II Physics 2113
Jonathan Dowling Physics Lecture 06 Electric Fields II Charles-Augustin de Coulomb ( )

2 Direction of Electric Field Lines
E-Field Vectors Point Away from Positive Charge — Field Source! Positives PUSH! E-Field Vectors Point Towards Negative Charge — Field Sink! Negatives Pull!

3 Electric Field of a Dipole
Electric dipole: two point charges +q and –q separated by a distance d Common arrangement in Nature: molecules, antennae, … Note axial or cylindrical symmetry Define “dipole moment” vector p: from –q to +q, with magnitude qd Cancer, Cisplatin and electric dipoles:

4 Electric Field On Axis of Dipole
-q +q

5 Electric Field On Axis of Dipole
p = qa “dipole moment” a VECTOR What if x>> a? (i.e. very far away) E = p/r3 is actually true for ANY point far from a dipole (not just on axis)

6 Continuous Charge Distribution
Thus Far, We Have Only Dealt With Discrete, Point Charges. Imagine Instead That a Charge q Is Smeared Out Over A: LINE AREA VOLUME How to Compute the Electric Field E? Calculus!!! q q q q

7 Charge Density λ = q/L Useful idea: charge density
Line of charge: charge per unit length = λ Sheet of charge: charge per unit area = σ Volume of charge: charge per unit volume = ρ σ = q/A ρ = q/V

8 Computing Electric Field of Continuous Charge Distribution
dq Approach: Divide the Continuous Charge Distribution Into Infinitesimally Small Differential Elements Treat Each Element As a POINT Charge & Compute Its Electric Field Sum (Integrate) Over All Elements Always Look for Symmetry to Simplify Calculation! dq = λ dL dq = σ dS dq = ρ dV

9 Differential Form of Coulomb’s Law for Electric FIELD
E-Field at Point q2 P1 P2 Differential dE-Field at Point dq2 P1

10 Field on Bisector of Charged Rod
Uniform line of charge +q spread over length L ICPP: What is the direction of the electric field at a point P on the perpendicular bisector? (a) Field is 0. (b) Along +y (c) Along +x dx dx P y x a Choose symmetrically located elements of length dq = λdx x components of E cancel q o L

11 Line of Charge: Quantitative
Uniform line of charge, length L, total charge q Compute explicitly the magnitude of E at point P on perpendicular bisector Showed earlier that the net field at P is in the y direction — let’s now compute this! P y x a q o L

12 Line Of Charge: Field on bisector
Distance hypotenuse: dE Charge per unit length: [C/m] P a r dx q o x Adjacent Over Hypotenuse L

13 Line Of Charge: Field on bisector
Integrate: Trig Substitution! Point Charge Limit: L << a Line Charge Limit: L >> a Units Check! Coulomb’s Law!

14 Binomial Approximation from Taylor Series:

15 ICPP: What is the direction of the field at point P?
dx dx P ICPP: What is the direction of the field at point P? Along +x Along –x Along +y Along -y y x R q o L


17 ICPP: Question What is the direction of the electric field at point P?
Positives PUSH / Source of Field Negatives PULL / Sink of Field

18 Problem Calculate the magnitude of the electric field at point P. dE x
dx dE


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