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Lesson 9 benign blithe bumpkin corroborate culpable frenetic hortatory

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1 Lesson 9 benign blithe bumpkin corroborate culpable frenetic hortatory
indecorous orotund penultimate pervasive provocative recrimination soporific toady

2 provocative Tending to excite or stimulate Syn: provoking; exciting
Ant: dull; boring

3 bumpkin An unsophisticated, awkward person Syn: yokel; hayseed; rube
Ant: intellectual

4 toady A person who flatters for personal gain Syn: sycophant; flatter

5 culpable Deserving blame or condemnation; guilty
Syn: blameworthy; liable Ant: innocent; blameless

6 hortatory Encouraging; inciting Syn: exhorting
Ant: discouraging; dampening

7 penultimate Next to last

8 orotund Full and rich in sound (in speech) Syn: resonant; resounding
Ant: quiet; reserved

9 blithe Carefree and lighthearted Syn: cheerful; radiant
Ant: burdened; worried; troubled

10 Soporific Tending to induce sleep. Syn: somniferous; monotonous
Ant: dramatic; exciting; stimulating

11 pervasive Permeating; spreading throughout Syn: sweeping; persistent
Ant: contained; restricted; limited

12 benign Beneficial; favorable Syn: benevolent; harmless
Ant: harmful; malevolent

13 frenetic Wildly excited Syn: frenzied; frantic Ant: calm, composed

14 Recrimination A counteraccusation Syn: countercharge

15 indecorous Lacking good taste; improper Syn: inappropriate; vulgar
Ant: decent

16 corroborate To strengthen by adding evidence
Syn: confirm; substantiate; validate Ant: contradict.

17 Lesson 10 circuitous circumlocution depredate indolent largesse
luminous majordomo perambulate perquisite polemical probity tacit timorous untenable veneer

18 majordomo A chief butler or assistant

19 untenable Impossible to defend or justify
Syn: groundless; unsupported; indefensible Ant: sound; irrefutable

20 perambulate To walk about; to stroll Syn: saunter; wander

21 veneer A thin, attractive layer that conceals something common or coarse Syn: disguise; gloss; façade.

22 timorous timid Syn: bashful; sheepish; reticent
Ant: bold; confident; courageous

23 luminous Emitting light Syn: glowing; radiant Ant: dim; dark

24 circuitous Indirect; roundabout Syn: meandering Ant: direct; straight

25 perquisite Tip or payment in addition to regular wages
Syn: fringe benefit; perk; benefit

26 probity Integrity; respectability
Syn: rectitude; decency; trustworthiness Ant: wickedness; impeity

27 polemical Relating to controversy or argument.
Syn: controversial; contentious Ant: indisputable; agreeable

28 tacit Indicated but not expressed; implied silently
Syn: hinted; suggested; unspoken Ant: explicit; frank

29 largesse generosity Syn: magnanimity; munificence Ant: stinginess

30 indolent lazy Syn: torpid; idle; lethargic
Ant: industrious; busy; productive

31 circumlocution Unnecessarily wordy or evasive language
Syn: discursiveness; indirectness; evasion Ant: conciseness; brevity

32 depredate To plunder and pillage Syn: pilfer; ransack, revenge
Ant: enhance

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