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The Impact of Service Learning on Students Character Development Rossana Chen Northland Secondary School.

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Presentation on theme: "The Impact of Service Learning on Students Character Development Rossana Chen Northland Secondary School."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Impact of Service Learning on Students Character Development Rossana Chen Northland Secondary School

2 What is Service Learning Service Learning is an approach where CIP participants not only serve the community, but also learn to identify with the needs of the community and to reflect on their own experience in working with the community so that they have a better understanding and appreciation of what it involves.

3 Character Development

4 Learning Objective of Service Learning To nurture pupils to be socially responsible. To help them to understand that every Singaporean has a role in enhancing the wellbeing of the community and the country. To nurture pupils in becoming good citizens, conscious of their responsibility to the family, society and country. To build a strong sense of duty and responsibility as Singaporeans. To foster camaraderie and bonding amongst people of different races and academic abilities. To help promote understanding and social harmony between different races.

5 Learning Objective of Service Learning To develop a sense of fulfilment, which in turn will enhance their sense of belonging to the community and country. To reflect the aspect of Citizenship Education in which pupils are involved as responsible citizens. To develop a strong sense of duty and responsibility towards promoting social cohesion and building a gracious society. To provide opportunities for pupils to internalise values taught in the classroom and put into practice what they have learnt. To provide pupils with experiential learning opportunities to develop

6 Learning Outcomes Develop strong sense of belonging and bonding to the family, school, community Develop strong sense of responsibility and duty as a family member, Northlander, resident of the country Understand the social needs and concerns of the family, school, community Demonstrate a strong sense of commitment to serve the family, school, community Contribute to the development of a caring and gracious family, school, community

7 Values Acquired Commitment to serve the family, school, community Respect for people of different races, cultures and religions in school, community Care, concern and compassion for family members, school, residents of the country Respect and care for family members, school, residents of the country

8 Skills Acquired Communication skills Organisational skills Practical skills Leadership skills

9 SEL Component in Service Learning 5 Pedagogical Principles of Social and Emotional Learning Providing for the social dimension This could include getting students to work in groups, with people in the community, policy makers, etc Providing for the emotional dimension This could include activities to facilitate students reflection their emotions, feelings and insights from the experience Relevance Planning for SL activities could consider issues that are contemporary, of interest the youth, or relevant to current issues or events happening in the world Reflection This includes creating opportunities for students to reflect, plan, make meaning, commit to change at key stages of the experience Action SL is a form of experiential learning and hence active participation is critical for the acquisition of skills and competencies and well as for social and emotional growth

10 Service Learning Phase WeekActivity Week 1Introduction to Service Learning Week 2 - 4Planning for Activity Execution of Service Learning Project Week 5Preparation for presentation Week 7Service Learning Project Showcase

11 Service Learning Project 1.Student were given the autonomy to decide what CIP project they wish to be involved. 2.Submit their proposal to the Character Development Teacher for approval.

12 Projects Benefits of Hydroponics planting in our society Stop Animal Abuse Garage Sales to promote Recycle, Reuse and Reduce Visiting Home (Swami Home) Pre-School Guide 101

13 Components to the collection of findings 1. Pre Test Assessment Questionnaire (Students) 2. Post Test Assessment Questionnaire (Students) 3. Teachers Evaluation (Teachers) 4. Peer Evaluation (Project mates)

14 Scales as references 1.Self Esteem Scale Rosenbergs Self Esteem, measuring self worth and self acceptance 2. Community Service Self Efficacy Scale (CSSES) 3. Programme Effectiveness Pre Test

15 Teachers Evaluation Q1: Student's sense of belonging and bonding to the community Q2: Student's sense of responsibility towards self and others Q3: Student's proactiveness towards helping others Q4: Student's understanding and appreciation towards service learning Q5: Student's interpersonal skills in general

16 Result of Pre & Post Secondary 2 ImprovementNeutralNo Improvement Self Esteem35.6%35.3%29.1% Community Efficacy 25.7%47.6%25.6% Programme Effectiveness 26.3%43.3%30.4% Secondary 3 ImprovementNeutralNo Improvement Self Esteem27.7%38.5%34.5% Community Efficacy 24.3%44.2%32.3% Programme Effectiveness 26.1%41.8%32.8%

17 Sec 2 Teachers Evaluation 2EA2NC2TA2TB Improved91.3%73.5%76.4%38.7% 2EA2NC2TA2TB Neutral8.7%26.5%0%32% 2EA2NC2TA2TB underperformed0% 23.6%29.3%

18 Sec 3 Teachers Evaluation 3EB3NA3NB3NC3ND3TA Improved58.3%95%77.9%98.1%38.5%75.7% 3EB3NA3NB3NC3ND3TA Neutral21.1%0%4.3%1.9%7.7%16.2% 3EB3NA3NB3NC3ND3TA Under performed 20.6%5%7.1%0%53.8%8.1%

19 Further exploration 1.Event impact scale 2.Teachers involvement in Service Learning 3.Generation differences in altruism




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