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AmeriCorps Education Award Program Student Orientation.

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Presentation on theme: "AmeriCorps Education Award Program Student Orientation."— Presentation transcript:

1 AmeriCorps Education Award Program Student Orientation

2 Agenda I. What is EAP? II. Who is involved? III. Service regulations IV. Phases of service V. Website & Forms

3 NYCC & EAP The Corporation for National & Community Service (CNCS) and the New York State Commission on National and Community Service award grants to organizations to implement the Education Award Program (EAP). In 2010-2011, NYCC implemented a successful pilot program (called Students in Service) through funding and support from Washington Campus Compact (WACC). Our pilot program enrolled 84 students at 5 campuses. For the 2011-2012 program year, NYCC has received funds from the NYS Commission to receive 350 EAP slots. NYCCs EAP program is offered only to current NYCC members as a member benefit.

4 What is EAP? EAP is a part-time AmeriCorps program that offers scholarships (education awards) to college students who serve their community. The purpose of the Education Award Program is to engage AmeriCorps members in direct service and capacity-building to address unmet community needs.

5 Who is involved? CNCS NYS Commission NYCC Campus Partners Students Community Partners CNCS- distributes grants NYS Commission- receives grant, ensures compliance, provides support to NYCC New York Campus Compact (NYCC)- receives grant, ensures compliance, provides support to campus partners Campus Partners (aka Host Site)- NYCC member campuses who are participating in the program Students (aka Members)- Any student (graduate or undergraduate, full or part-time) who is currently enrolled at a participating member institution Community Partners (aka Site Supervisors)- Person or people at the nonprofit org who are responsible for training and overseeing member service

6 Allowable Service Academic and service-learning Unpaid, academic internships with a service-focus Practicum hours, such as nursing and counseling Community service in the areas of education, public safety, environmental initiatives, community development, and human services Federal or State-funded Community Service work study positions Student Teachers who qualify (Student teaching hours spent teaching at a Title 1 institutions or student teachers teaching Special Education, ESL/Bilingual Education, or Math and Science Education) Most direct volunteer work, including mentoring, volunteer recruitment, etc. Indirect/capacity-building service as defined by AmeriCorps, see for details.

7 Distribution of Service Time Member development goals must be related to student service or future service/ professional goals.

8 Unallowable Service Service that is purely administrative Service with a for-profit organization International and out-of-state volunteer work Sleeping time on overnights or travel time Paid internships or practicum* Service completed at a site that does not provide liability or similar insurance for its volunteers Service that is done solely on campus and does not help the community in any way Any work study student that does not have a community service w/s position as defined by the college/university financial aid office Tutoring programs that do not comply with all aspects of tutoring checklist * Stipend Policy- While all AmeriCorps service must be unpaid, there are instances in which a member may receive a stipend from their site or academic program that may be allowed. Check with NYCC staff for details.

9 Key Prohibited Activities* Lobbying Engaging in partisan politics Assisting, promoting, or deterring union organizing Engaging in religious instruction or conducting worship services Providing a direct benefit to a for-profit entity Participating in activities that pose a significant safety risk to participants Fundraising for AmeriCorps programs or applying for federal funding opportunities * Full list of prohibited activities provided in the Member Contract

10 Additional Details All students must serve 300 hours in exchange for an education award of $1,175 Students have 1 full calendar year (365 days) from the day of enrollment to complete the 300 hours of service All EAP students are required to have an FBI Check and Sex Offender Registry Check EAP students with recurrent access to vulnerable populations are also required to have a State Record Check EAP students are eligible for loan forbearance and interest accrual payment on participating loans A person can only be awarded 2 full AmeriCorps education awards in a lifetime (EAP counts as ~20% of 1 award) or serve 4 terms as an AmeriCorps member

11 3 Phases of Service 1. Enrollment 2. Service 3. Exit

12 Enrollment Complete and return the enrollment packet to your campus partner: o AmeriCorps Enrollment Form (signed and dated by you) o Member Contract Agreement (signed and dated by you and campus partner) o Criminal Record Check Authorization (signed and dated by you) o Work with community partner to complete the Member Position Description and Tutoring Project Checklist (if necessary) (signed and dated by you, community partner, and campus partner) Have fingerprints taken by campus partner When you receive an email from NYCC, you may begin serving and calculating hours

13 Service Obtain User Name & Password for My Service Log Enter your information in time log database Submit time logs and reports on a monthly basis Communicate with campus partner on a monthly basis to ensure that you are on track Attend reflection or training sessions

14 Exit Ensure that all hours are complete and in compliance on My Service Log Complete and return the exit packet to your campus partner: o AmeriCorps Exit Form (signed and dated by you) o End of Term Site Supervisor Evaluation (signed by site supervisor) o Member Final Report (signed and dated by you) Attend a closing reflection meeting with your campus partner

15 Criminal Background Checks 1. All sites will perform the National Sex Offender Registry check on all students 2. All students must have an FBI Background Check completed (fingerprints and applicant information form) through NYCC. 3. State Background Checks must be done on any student who will be having recurring access with vulnerable populations. This information should be indicated on the Member Position Description.

16 Questions & Answers

17 For additional information or to access forms, please refer to the NYCC website: program.html To access the time log database: Or contact NYCC Program Coordinator, Lillian Hartman 607-254-6239

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