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Published byJacoby Colt Modified over 10 years ago
August 5, 2013
Process Procedure Manual/ Handbook 20Ed%20Booklet.pdf 20Ed%20Booklet.pdf Points of Interest Timeline for Special Education Teachers (p.9-10) Case Manager Responsibilities (p.11) Case Manager Overview Checklist for paraprofessionals (p.12) due October 1 st. Best Practices Regarding Paraprofessional Assigned Responsibilities (p.14) Staff Assignments (p.15-20) Meetings (p.24-25)
Skyward Training/ Special Education Staff In-service Skyward Training August 20 th 1:00-4:00 Lincoln For new Special Ed Staff Special Education Staff In-service August 22 nd ; 8:00-3:00 Please make sure other staff are not getting planning time during this training as this creates inequities
Child Count 1828 Students (December 2012 Child Count) Increase from 1777 (December 2011 Child Count) (51 Students) Increase from 1733 (December 2010 Child Count) (95 Students) Make sure staff get their caseloads updated as this has staffing implications Staff should send copy of front page to Specialists after each IEP meeting
Budget Supply Allocations Emailed to you last week Be sure to check your monthly sheets to monitor expenditures
Special Education Discipline FAPE Free Zone When a student is suspended for less than 10 days the district is not obligated to provide services. After 10 cumulative days within the same school year services must be provided On the 11 th day services must be provided 10 days is the line of demarcation and the 10 day rule does not start over after completing a Manifestation Determination Review.
What counts as a removal ISS Does not count if student is afforded the opportunity to appropriately progress in the general curriculum Continue to receive the services specified on his/her IEP and Continue to participate with nondisabled students to the extent they would have in their current placement Take caution in this removal also as academic progress can be limited Bus Suspensions Partial Days
Least Restrictive Environment As is specified in federal and state law, students with disabilities are served in the least restrictive environment to the maximum extent possible. Thus, at all schools in the district there are special needs students participating as appropriate in general education classrooms and general curriculum. The Rapid City Area School District uses a wide variety of service delivery methods to meet the needs of students as identified in their IEPs. The following descriptions are examples of program designs used throughout the district to provide the continuum of service options needed by special education students. General Ed/With Modifications = 80-100% (1 to 6 hrs. in a SpEd Setting) Resource Rm = 40-79% (1-18 hrs. in a SpEd Setting) Self-Contained = 0-39% (18.1-30 hrs. in a SpEd Setting)
What is Section 504 A nondiscrimination law, prohibiting discrimination based solely on a persons disability Requires that no person with a disability can be excluded from or denied benefits of any program receiving federal assistance; this includes education
Everyone Has Section 504 Responsibilities School Principals, Certified, and Classified Staff Conduct nondiscriminatory practices in classrooms Refer/identify/evaluate students as appropriate The district must identify and locate every qualified handicapped person residing in the districts jurisdiction who is not receiving a public education; and Take appropriate steps to notify handicapped persons and their parents or guardians of the districts duty under Section 504
How are students identified for accommodations/services? The student has a mental or physical impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities Has a record of such impairment, or Is regarded as having such an impairment
Physical or Mental Impairment? Physical or Mental Impairment means (A) any physiological disorder or condition, cosmetic disfigurement, or anatomical loss affecting one or more of the following body systems: neurological; musculoskeletal; special sense organs; respiratory, including speech organs; cardiovascular; reproductive, digestive, genito-urinary; hemic and lymphatic; skin; and endocrine; or (B) any mental or psychological disorder, such as mental retardation, organic brain syndrome, emotional or mental illness, and specific learning disabilities.
Major life activities? Includes but not limited to functions such as caring for ones self, performing manual tasks, walking, seeing, communicating, hearing, speaking, breathing, learning, reading, concentrating, thinking, working, helping, eating, sleeping, standing, lifting, bending, and operation of bodily function
District responsibilities Provide a FAPE (Free and Appropriate Public Education) An appropriate education is the provision of regular or special education and related aids and services that are designed to meet individual educational needs of handicapped persons as adequately as the needs of nonhandicapped persons If a child is identified as having an impairment, it is not an option to not provide needed services.
Communication is Important Knowledge and Accomodations
AUGUST 5, 2013 RCAS Response to Intervention (RtI) Information Session
RtI Revisited at RCAS Why Change? The RtI process was revisited in order to standardize and unify the RtI process across all RCAS schools. This was done to create uniformity and consistency in the RtI process and to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of RtI interventions, data collection, and data-based decision making district-wide.
RtI Task Force Composition Departments represented on the RtI Taskforce: Literacy Mathematics Behavior Strategists Intervention Strategists Psychology Special Services Administration Title and Non-Title School Staff
RtI Taskforce Goals Define the RCAS RtI model. What is included in each tier specifically? Identify General Outcome Measures (GOMs) for benchmarking and progress monitoring that all team members can agree on philosophically. Select benchmarking and progress monitoring assessments that measure the selected GOMs Select data-based decision rules for movement across the tiers. Identify professional development needs for RtI implementation.
RCAS District Goals
RCAS Four Critical Questions 1. What do we want students to learn? 2. How will we know if our students are learning? 3. How will we respond when students do not learn? 4. How will we enrich and extend the learning for students who are proficient?
RCAS District Goals and RtI Alignment Response to Intervention, in its current form, addresses questions 1, 2, and 3. Perhaps question 4 will be addressed by RtI in the future.
RCAS District Goals and RtI Alignment What do we want students to learn? RtI addresses this critical question in Tier I. Tier I includes: State Standards District Standards Common Core Standards School board adopted curricula Balanced Literacy Inquiry Mathematics These are the things that we want students to learn.
RCAS District Goals and RtI Alignment How will we know if our students are learning? RtI addresses this critical question in both Tiers I and II. Tier I benchmark data allow us to know which students are advanced, proficient, basic, and below basic. This tells us how well our students are learning in Tier I. Tier II progress monitoring data allow us to know how well our students are learning/progressing at Tier II. This is how we will know if our students are learning.
RCAS District Goals and RtI Alignment How will we respond when students do not learn? RtI addresses this critical question throughout the Tiers. The RCAS RtI Matrix addresses how we will respond when students experience difficulty learning.
The RtI Matrix The RtI Matrix outlines the key components and procedures for implementing the RtI model.
The RCAS RtI Matrix RCAS Matrix 4.0.docx RCAS Middle School Matrix Pilot.docx
Emotional/Behavioral Data Collection Tier I The Behavioral and Emotional Screening System (BESS) is administered between weeks 6 and 8 to all students. It is administered one time per year. Office Discipline Referrals (ODRs) are reviewed each trimester. The BESS is completed by the teacher of any student entering the district after one month of daily contact or 6 to 8 weeks of several-days-a-week interaction (in cases where attendance or other problems preclude daily contact). Tier II Progress monitoring for the first stage of CICO (with the daily point sheets) is conducted for 6-8 weeks. Progress monitoring for the second stage of CICO (with the daily point sheets) is conducted for 6-8 weeks. Tier III Special Education Procedures
Emotional/Behavioral Instruction or Intervention Tier II The Check-In Check-Out (CICO) program is implemented in a two stage process: The first stage uses a daily point sheet with the areas of Safe, Respectful, and Responsible with one concrete example from each area tailored to the students needs. This program is implemented for 6-8 weeks. The second stage uses a daily point sheet with very specific target behaviors that are tailored to the students needs OR a behavior plan may be implemented and CICO then continues for an additional 6-8 weeks. The student is referred to (but is not mandated to meet with) the school counselor. Behavior strategists are available for consultation at Tier II.
Emotional/Behavioral Instruction or Intervention Tier III All Tier I and II programs continue through the Multidisciplinary Assessment Team Meeting Date. Tier II interventions discontinue if the student qualifies for Special Education. Specialized Instruction is provided per the students Individualized Education Plan.
Emotional/Behavioral Tier Transition Data Rule Tier I The data-based decision rule for Tier I to Tier II transition is a clinically significant score on the BESS OR excessive ODRs (what constitutes excessive ODRs is determined by each school based on their unique circumstances). Tier II The RCAS data-based decision rule is based on the presence of a dual discrepancy: The first discrepancy is present when a student meets the behavioral or emotional criteria for Tier II selection. The second discrepancy is present when a student fails to respond to a research-based intervention that was implemented with fidelity. For behavioral and emotional Tier III selection the students expected rate of progress is determined by the Tier II Team based on students unique needs. If a student is determined to be dually discrepant a referral for Tier III evaluation is made after reviewing attendance, medical, and other relevant data at the Tier II Transition Meeting. Tier III Special Education Procedures
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