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Matthew 19:1-12 Some Conclusions:

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Presentation on theme: "Matthew 19:1-12 Some Conclusions:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Drawing Conclusions from Jesus’ Teaching on Marriage, Divorce, and Remarriage (Matthew 19:1-12)

2 Matthew 19:1-12 Some Conclusions:
God Expects Us to Read His Word (verse 4a; cp. 21:42; 22:31)

3 Matthew 19:1-12 Some Conclusions:
Marriage is for a Man & Woman (verses 4-5; Gen. 2:24; I Cor. 6:16; 7:1-2; I Pet. 3:1-7)

4 Matthew 19:1-12 Some Conclusions:
Marriage is for a Man & Woman (verses 4-5; Gen. 2:24; I Cor. 6:16; 7:1-2; I Pet. 3:1-7) Homosexual practice is unnatural & sinful (Rom. 1:26-27; I Cor. 6:9-11)

5 Matthew 19:1-12 Some Conclusions:
Marriage is “from the beginning” (verses 4- 5; Gen. 2)

6 Matthew 19:1-12 Some Conclusions:
Marriage is For Life (verses 6-8; Rom. 7:1-3)

7 Matthew 19:1-12 Some Conclusions:
God Alone Determines How a Marriage can End (verses 6-9) Death of Spouse (Rom. 7:2-3) Fornication (v. 9) – “And I say unto you”

8 Matthew 19:1-12 Some Conclusions:
Divorce, for any other reason, Denies One the Right to Remarry (verse 9)

9 Matthew 19:1-12 Some Conclusions:
Fornication / Adultery is a Sin (necessarily implied here; Heb. 13:4- 5; I Cor. 6:9)

10 Matthew 19:1-12 Some Conclusions:
“All Cannot Accept This Saying” (verses 10-12) Marry & abide by Gods will or remain Celibate (I Cor 7:8-11)

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