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Week 14 Vocab Definitions

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1 Week 14 Vocab Definitions

2 Kingdom Largest and most broad of the seven taxa; divided into smaller groups called phyla Genus Taxonomic rank that is divided into smaller groups called species Vascular tissue Tissue in plants that transports nutrients and water.

3 Eyespot Part on some protists (Euglena) that absorbs light Contractile Vacuole Structure inside a paramecium used to pump out excess water and waste Pseudopods Temporary extension of the cytoplasm that helps an amoeba move.

4 Binary fission Form of asexual reproduction in single-celled organisms; one cell divides into two cells Conjugation Form of sexual reproduction in single-celled organisms

5 Angiosperm Flowering plants where seeds are protected inside a fruit. Gymnosperm Cone-bearing plant (conifer) where seeds are not enclosed in a fruit “naked seeds”

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